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2000+ years old


The Tao of Pooh
Jun 20, 2006
North London
to be honest there are so many religions out there, and some which are connected
the only one that makes sense is Buddhism as it does not require you to worship a higher power, but only teaches people to better themselves
Buddhism still follows the teachings of one person though. Buddhists are encouraged to follow the paths of Buddha and do unselfish acts to free themselves of the suffering of life and enter a state of Nirvana.

Taoists on the other hands follow no one but their own path (tao) and perform selfless acts to show others that life is good and there to be enjoyed, but not at the expense of others. :)


previously Tomtimus Prime
Aug 9, 2010
Yea, that's the inbred prejudice family of fun. They were even protesting at Comicon this year - absolutely vile examples of this species.

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
Well, not really - it's based on a lot more than belief, there is DNA sequencing that shows the similarities between species and fossils records dating back millions of years to start with.
So you believe everything a scientist tells you then?
Does Area 51 exist?
Did man actually land on the moon?
Remember the Piltdown "man" ;)


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
So you believe everything a scientist tells you then?
Does Area 51 exist?
Did man actually land on the moon?
Remember the Piltdown "man" ;)
El, come on mate, this post is either intentionally misleading or just plain wrong.
To sarcastically enquire as to whether somebody believes in everything scientists say, which of course infers [quite erroneously in fact] the said person is naive in some way, and then to ask in the same vein of questioning whether he also believes in Area 51 is just plain silly, and I mean real silly.
Now, I would have been of the opinion you would be well aware of such silliness but if you are not El, then you are most certainly not the person I thought you were .....
The vast majority of scientific work is carried out with two abiding principles underwriting everything they do ... rationale theorising and for the most part, experimental work to confirm any theoretical principles they are working on.

I cannot believe you have linked the two statements above .. it's incredulous and smacks of 'niche thinking' ... this is when people like to pitch themselves against the mainstays of anything they choose to go against ... it could be the government or big companies.

They enjoy being the minority protagonists for some reason, they get a kick out of it but the reality is, people just look upon them as idiots and not as the societal white-knights standing up to the boss man as these people would like to think they are perceived.

This thinking is perfectly exampled by movements such as 'The Yanks didn't go to the moon because the shadows on the pics of them on the moon ain't right'
or maybe it was the 'US Government who were behind 911' ..... bejeepers the list goes on with examples of these idiots.

There was some recent research done on just why ostensibly intelligent people became involved in 'conspiracy' initiatives such as those mentioned, which of course is exactly the type thinking you are now indulging in here; The research came to the conclusion that the individuals concerned, leastwise the supposed intelligent ones who should have known better, had some personality disorder that underwrote the reasons as to why they became involved.

Of course it is now within your interest and certainly will serve your purpose to not only question but also descry such research from these scientists but I'm afraid any such appeals would fall on stoney ground for any persons who had a modicum of intelligence coupled with a lack of attendant aforementioned personality disorders.

Eric, I thought you were more intelligent than this mate .... you don't need to assume this marginal positioning, it smacks of having a chip on your shoulder ......


previously Tomtimus Prime
Aug 9, 2010
What he said...

On a serious note though, its not necessarily about believing 'everything scientists' say... it’s about looking at the evidence presented (which, as any scientist they must do in order to support any theory put forward), and evaluating the validity of it myself. Granted there will be a vast majority I cannot fully understand, however I am in a position where I can make a very educated decision based on what the known laws of the universe are. With supporting evidence from other fields, a lot of these ‘theories’ are actually scientific fact.

No self respecting Scientist would ever present a theory and support it with "because it is". If they did that would only make it an opinion, a shallow one at that.

Also accepting one scientific fact an/or theory does not mean that I automatically accept all. That’s like saying because you have faith in the bible, you also subscribe to the teachings of the Qur’an.

The teachings of Religion and Scientific theorem cannot be compared on an equal basis; one requires nothing more than faith and the other solid evidence.

Chalk and cheese mate.

EDIT: Also Area 51 does exist and has been documented many times. It is a US military base in the Nevada desert.... you can go see it from a far if you like. The contents of said base are the real subject of controversy, however ignoring all the Alien conspiracy BS it is almost definitely a US research facility for the military, hence the extreme secrecy about the details of what occurs within.

Please advise it's connection to the theory of evolution.... or any other scientific theory for that matter.