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x-7 is a peice of crap

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Mercenary Squirrel
Do you have ANY idea how many guns Tippmann sells each year? I don't think they'd loose any sleep over you not buying their stuff. You should not look at it from a jaded player's point of view, but from a "ooh that's cool" point of view. And as more people get into paintball through the weekend warrior/Rambo wannebe route than through the tournament ball route, I'd say Tippmann is very smart...

As far as the not buying anything from BE remark goes, I'm willing to bet that if I had a look in your gearbag, I'd be able to find a few things, without you even knowing...

Honestly dude, you have no clue about doing business, do you?
Yes you would, an Egg and an Autococker. If memory serves me correct I think Brass Eagle is also Viewloader, WGP, JT and K2.

I also agree with Tippmann being very smart, they are afterall, in it to make money as is any company. If the money is made in Milsim AK36C's then AK36C's is what they will make.

As I said before and many a time since I don't like the direction Tippmann and Special Ops are taking to more Milsim than Woods but they've gotta make money and plenty of people are into the whole "Hey my gun looks like an MP3" or whatever, it makes sound buisness sense.

Jonny 03

Yes you would, an Egg and an Autococker. If memory serves me correct I think Brass Eagle is also Viewloader, WGP, JT and K2.

I also agree with Tippmann being very smart, they are afterall, in it to make money as is any company. If the money is made in Milsim AK36C's then AK36C's is what they will make.

As I said before and many a time since I don't like the direction Tippmann and Special Ops are taking to more Milsim than Woods but they've gotta make money and plenty of people are into the whole "Hey my gun looks like an MP3" or whatever, it makes sound buisness sense.
MP5 ;)

The day Tippmann produce a gat that plays my music like a gettoblaster is the day I convert. :D


bite me
May 21, 2006
As far away from you as possible
I never said that Tippmann weren't making money, however that doesn't make their products any good? who here would trade in their gat for a Tippy( apart from the smg lol ).

No I havn't Noix as those are Simons peices of gear, I just have my mag and a few peices at the moment, so I don't have ANY thing by brass eagle, also Noix BE only recently took over WGP, Simons came out way before then.

I am trying to say how their products lack inovation and are slowly loosing quality, yes they are gainign sales but thats not what I was saying.
I don't care what Tippmann thinks or if they loose sleep, I was jus tinterested in the route that they are taking.

Look at every companys lead marker, thats usually a good indictaion of quality.

BE( or yes brass eagle) have turned into creating Peice of Shi*t products, even the autococker series arn't true autocockers and have a lot of brass eagle internals.

My point being, Tippmann was founded on functionality and quality, they seem to be slowly leaving this behind.

p.s. Why should we be bothered about the general public and walk on players becoming educated about tornyball, the site owners ar elinign their pockets so they arn't loosing any sleep ove rit, the same goes for this we don't really care what they think it's just concerning.

p.s. Nope I don't have anything in my kit bag make by BE, used to have a small 50 round pod by BE though.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
I think you will find that for the amount of money you pay, Tippies are actually quite good value for money. Have you used one of their new guns? Have you serviced it? Field stripped it? No? Then STFU, as you don't have a clue as to what you are talking about.
As far as trading my gun for one of theirs, no , I won't. But that's got nothing to do with their guns lacking in quality, but everything with their guns not being able to do what I want my gun to do. That's also why my guns cost a whole lot more than what their guns do. Fact is, if I only had or wanted to spend about 100 bucks on a gun, Tippmann would definitely be one to consider.

Phillips, take a hint mate. You are the only one on here defending your corner. Everybody else is pointing out that you are spouting crap, and you are just twisting and turning in order to try to come out somewhat unscathed. Reality is you already showed the world you really have no idea what you are talking about, and the world has already told you so. My advice, leave this thread well alone, don't dig yourself an even deeper grave.


bite me
May 21, 2006
As far away from you as possible
hahaha STFU? erm earlier in this thread I said I had owned an A-5, so I have somethign to bas emy opinion on, infact in total my Tippy set up cost around £290.
I have stripped it down no end of times, yes they are reliable, yes they are easy to completely dismantel.

However compared to others on the market they arn't that good, they are heavy, loud, huge profile, you can't use them with either hand effectivly.
If anyone thinks thats crap they they havn't owned one.

I DO know what im talking about, at least the A-5's when they came out where ok, now they look out dated and poor, the x-7 isn't exactly a great leap forward.


pew pew
Sep 8, 2006
"I think you will find that for the amount of money you pay, Tippies are actually quite good value for money. Have you used one of their new guns? Have you serviced it? Field stripped it? No? Then STFU, as you don't have a clue as to what you are talking about.
As far as trading my gun for one of theirs, no , I won't. But that's got nothing to do with their guns lacking in quality, but everything with their guns not being able to do what I want my gun to do. That's also why my guns cost a whole lot more than what their guns do. Fact is, if I only had or wanted to spend about 100 bucks on a gun, Tippmann would definitely be one to consider.

Phillips, take a hint mate. You are the only one on here defending your corner. Everybody else is pointing out that you are spouting crap, and you are just twisting and turning in order to try to come out somewhat unscathed. Reality is you already showed the world you really have no idea what you are talking about, and the world has already told you so. My advice, leave this thread well alone, don't dig yourself an even deeper grave."


SO hot right now
Aug 8, 2001
Phillips - You need to think about this in terms of needs of different types of consumer other than yourself. If we take cars as an example, a new Ford Transit van is inferrior in terms of quality when compared to a new Merc 5 door. However these products are aimed at totally different consumers. The van may be totally outclassed by the merc, but they both meet the needs of different consumers very well and both sell well as a result. Tippmann products meet the needs of a certain segment of the paintball market - a large and important one at that.

It would be impractical for a builder to buy a fleet of new 5 door Mercs to haul cement around in, but by your logic he should because vans suck by comparison.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
If you didn't get that to begin with, you just proved my point about you not having a clue.....:rolleyes:

And speaking from shedloads of experience with a thousand different markers (used to sell them/fix them/rent them out for a living), in its pricerange, the Tippy is actually one of the best and most robust markers out there. Particularly well suited for the rigors of rental use. So unlike somebody that has used a single A5, I'd say I have plenty of experience to base a well educated opinion on.

Anyway, stop weasiling out with your "Oh, I get it now" spiel. You just made yourself look REALLY ignorant on this thread. Sorry, but that's the way it is...
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