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x-7 is a peice of crap

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May 30, 2006
****ehole West Yorkshire
Noix you are a hippocrit what was this I hate woodsball ect on UR website then?, saying Tippmann have gone Sh*t not goon on them LMFAO.
Quote from the rules of the speak your brains section:
"won't be puritans, but we don't want to see any more mindless chat room drivel and abbreviations."

I think you will find that "ur" and "lmfao" are abbreviations :D :cool: :p


Mercenary Squirrel
fair enough, how can anyone call the triumph or a BE talon a peice of crap without trying it?
p.s. I try to spell correctly but it iosnt a requirement of the forum so I am safe....................for now.

Noix you are a hippocrit what was this I hate woodsball ect on ur website then?, saying Tippmann have gone Sh*t not goon on them lmfao.
Maybe if you read my rant properly then maybe you might understand why it was entitled "Why I hate Woodsball".

Oh and why do you have to make things personal? :confused:

Well no Niox did just say he hates the new weird milsim gat of doom too, though from Tippmanns point of view its a good one.

No-one is safe from the fun police.... no-one.....
Cheers Flint, maybe I didn't make it clear in my post even though I thought it was pretty clear.

To me I initially hate the X-7 as I hate Milsim but if Milsim is what sells then all the more power to Tippmann for having a go at making money!
Maybe more time reading and understanding hey phillips? :D


bite me
May 21, 2006
As far away from you as possible
I was on about what we speak about nealry every single day Noix, not specific to your post.

Anywhoo Tippmann are turning into a peice of crap, has anyone seen their pittiful attempt at braking into the airsoft market?, yes BE are rich and sucessfull, yes they get a LOT of new players inot the sport BUT would you buy ANYTHING from them?


pew pew
Sep 8, 2006
yes they get a LOT of new players into the sport BUT would you buy ANYTHING from them?
New Players; that's who they market their products at.

You seem to want them to create a new amazing gat or something. Well they won't, so you shouldn't care. You have no stake in their business, so what's to gain from attacking it?

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
I was on about what we speak about nealry every single day Noix, not specific to your post.

Anywhoo Tippmann are turning into a peice of crap, has anyone seen their pittiful attempt at braking into the airsoft market?, yes BE are rich and sucessfull, yes they get a LOT of new players inot the sport BUT would you buy ANYTHING from them?
Do you have ANY idea how many guns Tippmann sells each year? I don't think they'd loose any sleep over you not buying their stuff. You should not look at it from a jaded player's point of view, but from a "ooh that's cool" point of view. And as more people get into paintball through the weekend warrior/Rambo wannebe route than through the tournament ball route, I'd say Tippmann is very smart...

As far as the not buying anything from BE remark goes, I'm willing to bet that if I had a look in your gearbag, I'd be able to find a few things, without you even knowing...

Honestly dude, you have no clue about doing business, do you?
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