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yes they can be provocatory in a debating sense, but not personal attacks mate

EDIT: okay so the rules must have been on the old server...

still does that mean morality goes out the window?

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Boboweasle said:
Hmmmmm. So the SYB is free at weekends only applies as long as neither the subject or content are inflamitory & promote debate, yes?
C'mon, Rob, it's late over there. Fess up, you've been having a nip, haven't ya?
And you know, just a guess, mind you, if you'd quit with one or maybe two such posts B3 probably would have let it slide but you just had to keep going and going ...
Everybody hates the Energizer Bunny.

And about WGP, there really is no debate, is there?
Which gives me an idea. How 'bout WGP as the special guest for the next Forum Battle. ;)


F orum Battle Organiser
Nov 23, 2005
South Wales/Cali
Baca Loco said:
C'mon, Rob, it's late over there. Fess up, you've been having a nip, haven't ya?
And you know, just a guess, mind you, if you'd quit with one or maybe two such posts B3 probably would have let it slide but you just had to keep going and going ...
Everybody hates the Energizer Bunny.

And about WGP, there really is no debate, is there?
Which gives me an idea. How 'bout WGP as the special guest for the next Forum Battle. ;)

Not a prob mate....if he'll come i'll make him feel special

oh and wheres this prize


I'm either drunk or high
Feb 12, 2006
King's Lynn, Norfolk, England
Here it is:
Baca Loco said:
Okay, kids, here's the deal. SYB is intended for PAINTBALL related opinions and comments and while things have gotten a bit lax of late with the end of the ballin' season I've got some time on my hands and the prospect of crushing your dreams while deleting your posts warms my heart.
However, we's gonna experiment with a small policy change and let you post non-pball related rubbish (within the boundaries of good taste and the recognition we have younger participants from all over visiting our forum) during the weekend. From 6 pm Friday thru Sunday night go crazy. On Monday morning don't be disappointed if it all disappears--and, who knows, if something is truly entertaining or interesting it might stay awhile longer.

If you post a thread with a non-descript title and/or no specific info that suggests it has some paintball related content odds are it will be deleted so don't whine that your thread really did have some paintball. It ain't my job to watch every stupid video or follow every link posted, it's your job to make sure your posts comply with the rules.
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