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Would a kind ENGLISH player explain THIS PRODUCT to me?


Ex Baller :-(
Aug 22, 2001
Haggis and black pudding two of the finnest foods to ever come out of the glens of scotland and what about clootie dumplings another scottish delicacy (pudding) as for faggots they are foul as bad as jellied eels then theres buckies and whelks (shell fish)buckies look like snotters being pulled from the shell


Snoring Machine.......zzz
Jul 13, 2001
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I have a question for you now. Whilst I was over in America (late July time) I saw a lot of Veal on the menus of restaurants. Upon enquiring, I was told it was excellent quality meat. I then heard a rumor that the cows where this meat come from, are seperated from the heard and have to spend their whole lives under a shelter. Is this true or was someone pulling my leg?

One of the strangest things I had whilst I was over there was green tomato sauce. Your eyes tell you it tastes funny, but your sences tell you its Tomato sauce!!!! Very strange :D


New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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Veal is technically milk-fed calves meat, but to keep it soft, tender & white they tend to keep them in crates to restrict movement (they can just about turn round in them). This is one of the reasons many people who eat most meats won't eat veal - the cruelty involved in producing it. Imagine spending the whole of your (admittedly short) life in an area a bit smaller than a toilet cubicle:(


doin' other stuffs
Jul 6, 2001
need to get hold of Tank for an exit
Originally posted by Shuck
One of the strangest things I had whilst I was over there was green tomato sauce. Your eyes tell you it tastes funny, but your sences tell you its Tomato sauce!!!! Very strange :D
You should see Asda, they do orange tommy K, they did for a brief while have green and purple too.

I'm too scared to buy it :eek:


Snoring Machine.......zzz
Jul 13, 2001
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The geese are force fed by inserting a funnel into their throats and basically just ramming the food down, until the geese are nice and fat
I had a suspicion that some people did'nt like veal, but did not know it was because of this. Does it taste nice? The other half would not let me order it :(
this is calfs feed on milk then killed early so the meat doesnt go red
What a pleasent turn of conversation. Not nice when you think about what you are eating, before you eat it. Must remember to not think, just do it. Seems to work well on a friday night :D


Old School, New Tricks
not 100% true

Originally posted by Liz
Veal is technically milk-fed calves meat, but to keep it soft, tender & white they tend to keep them in crates to restrict movement (they can just about turn round in them). This is one of the reasons many people who eat most meats won't eat veal - the cruelty involved in producing it.
Keep in mind that thre's a lot of propeganda floating around about many food products. I'm reminded of a soda company that was the target of a smear campaign. I don't remember teh brand, but it was found that a larger company circulated rumors that this company's product made men impotent. They weren't true, and the smaller company tried to sue.

I like veal, actually. I alos like some venison, hamburger, pork ribs, in fact most food products that don't want to eat me first. My ancestors didn't climb to the top of the food chain to be vegetarians.

I don't believe 'shock tactics' of cruel photographs tht try to get me to not eat a specific product. I always feel like they have an agenda that's personal.
