Tiger sweetie
Ok Guys we can tell you don't cook!
The "shudder "Tined variety is a heavy sponge ( yes there is such a thing) with dries fuite ie rasins. The rest macoy is a real back player heaven sweet suet pastry wth fruit and rolled into a sausage shape which is wraped in muslin and steamed ( were is onion when you need him I have cookies to bake
) Both are best with custard.
The egg "in" toast thing is eggy bread ie beat an egg and a little milk togther if your feeling adventours some mustard ect soak a slice of brea in the mixture turn over soak the other side and the fry yummy
Toad in the hole bake sausages in the oven drain off lard pour over batter ( the same as pancakes or yorkshire pudding) bake.
Yes we do have some weird names but tweenkies I ask you?
enjoy off to batter cookie dough sparklie