About 2 weeks ago I was marshalling and I saw 1 player laying behind a tree, and 1 went in for a mugging....they exchanged fire but neither was firing paint, they didn't click on and the one doing the mugging ran back to his tree(still not realising he had no paint) he then got he steelies on and went in again, by this time the guy laying down had shaken his hopper and was armed and dangerous.....the guy ran in and the other guy fires 2 shots and got both balls.
The mugging guy hit the floor faster than Abi Titmuss's thong. I was almost sick and the rest of his team couldn't breathe...
My worst injury is a broken trigger finger at the beginning of the day, and Im sure i had hyperthermia after sleeping in a car in County Durham for a tourny a few years ago.
Liz, I remember the broken leg...that was plain nastiness.