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World skillz...


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Repete ,my friend I think you're lucky to play in New Zealand cause if you lived in Greece ,yeah you would play "pro" from day one, but if you tried to compete against Novice teams of Europe ,man your ass would be whooped!
No seriously ,you're asking how skill & Divisions scale across the world. So I'll tell you how are things down here!
4-5 new clubs opened within the last few months ,and some teams-only (not teams from clubs) are beginning to buy serious ecquipment and try to play tourneys (3man or 5man). Serious tourneys have just started to take place and ,till the end of the year maybe 6-7 tourneys would have been done. So the divisions here are 1. "amateur"(I can't name it pro without any paintball sponsors...) and 2."Novice" which of course in European standards hardly represent 1.Novice and 2.Rookie.
Paintball is spreadin'really fast so I can foretell that next year 2-3 teams would play in some European tournaments or maybe in one of the Millenium series.
Oh and of course us,S.M.K. are not satisfied with this situation and train regularly to compete at this year's World cup in Toulouse in the novice Division.
And yes I'm really happy to play novice at a Millenium tourney....
Respect to All