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World record game!!!


Jan 4, 2005
small dead village
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well thank u very much! cant make big game for various reasons i.e my marker is in bits as im 17 transports an issue and sunday we got 250 people playing so all marshalls needed to work,

oh and just to mention if ur intrestead the site which is being used for the record (BPF) is going to start walkons next mounth which should be fun it will be first one, not sure on info but will post up when i know.


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Dec 15, 2004
E Yorks
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Just recieved an email from Joanna from International Challenges..

With regards to the questions that you raised, you are supplied with 500 paintballs on what ever ticket option you apply for, but paintballs are also provided on the day by the venue at £20 for 500 (which we believe to be a good price). You are not allowed to bring your own paint though.

All challengers need to register and pay prior to the event (this is due to the fact we need to know how much equipment to order for the day).

If you would like to proceed with this amazing world record attempt then we can send you a registration form which needs to be completed, signed and returned to us with your payment (in the form of a cheque).


Jan 4, 2005
small dead village
Visit site
now im becoming scepticle i was the one trying to promote this in some way lol i wouldnt pay that much for paint thats lossing out on people that play pb alot thats aleast a 1000 peeps or more

tis like an epsiode of starwars im turning over to the dark side, lol


Super Robeenio
Dec 4, 2002
Staying warm on a sunday!
Big game £25 per case of 2000

if they think that £20 per 500 is a good price they need to re evaluate their goals! otherwise they are going to have less than before.

if they want to go for the world record it might be worth speaking to Jim Frensham at warped and see if he can help them out because otherwise they are just going to have a site with a few more peeps than before and no where near the record.

thing is UK people are just not that interested why do you think there is only 1 a year held by warped?



New Member
Dec 31, 2004
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This day is for punters not regular players.

Spoke to a guy at International Challenge who also reckoned £20 per 500 was a good deal. That was until I told him boxes of 2000 are around £20 - £40 depending on brand/quality.

4p per ball is Bawtry's "cheaper" bulk buy option for punters. (3000 for £120)

Where are they getting paint from...Harrods?

I doubt if many regular players will turn up at those prices.

If this is a genuine world record attempt then you would expect them to keep the prices reasonable. To attract as many regulars as possible who are used to buying their own paint and to also attract punters to start playing paintball regularly.

We all know sites get their bread and butter from selling well marked-up paint to punters. So why not hold a "world record attempt" and rip everyone off at the same time....?