I have to agree with mark we did get lots of water ect and if we were running low it wasn't long before fresh supplies arived. What I did find out by the second day was breackfast made a real diffrence and crips or pea nuts. I think every one had there off moments were they might have collapsed. I run my own feild and am used to really long hours in all weather. I found it exhusting I didn't dare sit down on the first day convinced if I did I wouldn't be able to get up again. By the second day it got loads easier I think with hind sindsight we could have all prepared our selfs better but for me personally it was an un known quantity. I don't recall any of the teams minding us catching our much needed food breacks they were all more than happy to walk the feilds. I don't think we had any comunication problems as a dyslesic who has been busy practising british signals for clean and out which happens to be the same as your for clean I found this rather daunting but rapidly got the hang of it.
Good reffing comes with experience and as players a lot of teams unless they have worked at feilds may well not have had too much of that. I know it was the case for some of the chicks in our first self marshalling tourney back in england.
sparklie brit chick on tour
Good reffing comes with experience and as players a lot of teams unless they have worked at feilds may well not have had too much of that. I know it was the case for some of the chicks in our first self marshalling tourney back in england.
sparklie brit chick on tour