Lunch break
I'm missing one TNG's games to respond now but felt compelled to do so.
I don't know who has posted elsewhere or what they've said but consider this--
How many missed, ignored, too far away or out of position to call, etc. calls does it take to alter the outcome of a single game? One can do it if it's truly egregious. And with 4 or 5 refs on large. complicated fields what's the likelihood of that occurring with some regularity?
Add to that lazy (hot) (tired) (ignorant) (etc.) refs spread around the 12 fields and you can't possibly be surprised when calls get botched or more commonly not made at all! I actually heard a ref reply to an outraged player yesterday that he didn't step in where he could make a call cuz he didn't want to get shot!
However, I can also say I know players from at least two dozen teams here as well as some of the refs and virtually everyone I've talked to whether they're winning or losing (and plenty have made their respective semis) have stories about widespread ref incompetence or inactivity or sheer inability to deal with the circumstances on the fields.
The pat answer has always been "losers whine" but the reality is there is frequently very small margins to winning or losing games these days and players will push the envelope and if there aren't enough competent diligent refs on the playing fields the results can easily turn into a crap shoot that only encourages more "cheatin'" play.
That's it, kids. The computer I'm using is going home today and I'll be busy with 10-man so no further reports till Sunday night late.
PS--Bud, ya gotta sweep up for me.
I'm missing one TNG's games to respond now but felt compelled to do so.
I don't know who has posted elsewhere or what they've said but consider this--
How many missed, ignored, too far away or out of position to call, etc. calls does it take to alter the outcome of a single game? One can do it if it's truly egregious. And with 4 or 5 refs on large. complicated fields what's the likelihood of that occurring with some regularity?
Add to that lazy (hot) (tired) (ignorant) (etc.) refs spread around the 12 fields and you can't possibly be surprised when calls get botched or more commonly not made at all! I actually heard a ref reply to an outraged player yesterday that he didn't step in where he could make a call cuz he didn't want to get shot!
However, I can also say I know players from at least two dozen teams here as well as some of the refs and virtually everyone I've talked to whether they're winning or losing (and plenty have made their respective semis) have stories about widespread ref incompetence or inactivity or sheer inability to deal with the circumstances on the fields.
The pat answer has always been "losers whine" but the reality is there is frequently very small margins to winning or losing games these days and players will push the envelope and if there aren't enough competent diligent refs on the playing fields the results can easily turn into a crap shoot that only encourages more "cheatin'" play.
That's it, kids. The computer I'm using is going home today and I'll be busy with 10-man so no further reports till Sunday night late.
PS--Bud, ya gotta sweep up for me.