thats the one! Look how tall he is next to his midget friend! Imagine a whole team of them! heheOriginally posted by Alien_Balliztix
I know it's one of the hong's in the snake, however i think he is meaning one of the breakout scene's. You can see lil kenny runnnig like a madman to get into the snake side.
vid time is 03:39.
i'm sure its kenny
Even better, i just found a pic of him just before the breakout.
Oh they got an answer for any person who they think might be able to handle themselves, they increase their chances by sending five in.................. and leaving their balls outside....Originally posted by TJ Lambini
And I know Rage are loco but seriously, who picks a fight with any team Telford is on? Pro shootfighters tend to be, y'know, able to handle themselves.