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Women in Paintball !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Nov 27, 2001
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So, everything said, would that make women better back players? My understanding is that the position requires many different concurrent tasks... whereas men would make better front players, using their reflexes/speed which are supposedly better than womens'?


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by JustBeenBunkered
So, everything said, would that make women better back players? My understanding is that the position requires many different concurrent tasks... whereas men would make better front players, using their reflexes/speed which are supposedly better than womens'?

No, not at all, I think men have the edge in every position on the field for the reasons already mentioned !


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Nov 27, 2001
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Women In Paintball

Originally posted by Robbo

Certainly they are not as fast and I believe not as aggressive, I also believe that women's reflexes would be slightly behind those of men.
But paintball is not all about those factors just mentioned, it is sometimes about patience, an attribute where women would outscore men most times.
Paintball is also about accuracy which I am sure women can demonstrate just as well.
I'm just trying to figure out a way to perhaps take these attributes that you mentioned, because I feel that they are very important on the field, and see if they can't be utilized to the fullest by women who do choose to play the game, all other issues aside.


Lite em' uper
Nov 19, 2001
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I agree with robbo fully on this, I do how ever believe that some women could be cabable, but men would be the majority of better players on the field!


New Member
Jul 9, 2001
east coast usa
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i'd agree... generally speaking...

but there may me a few exceptional women that may WOW us from time to time... but, there are probably a few variables to take into consideration;

1.) more males interested in paintball as opposed to the number of women... therefore, the ratio of good guy players to good women players will be unbalanced.

2.) the whole "confidence" factor i spoke about previously.

3.) biologically, men are built for (physical) abuse as opposed to women. but, then again, as mr. robinson has mentioned in one of his articles, no one can run faster than 300 fps? (this is why i mentioned that using your brains is proabably your most important asset as it is also a mental game)...

i'm sure there are other things, buti can't think of them now...


Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Originally posted by JustBeenBunkered
So, everything said, would that make women better back players? My understanding is that the position requires many different concurrent tasks... whereas men would make better front players, using their reflexes/speed which are supposedly better than womens'?
Don't confuse being a backplayer with multitasking. Multitasking is doing totally different things at once, back playing isn't.
The reason games like paintball appeals to men, and why men are somewhat naturally proficient at games like these, is because it appeals to what is left of our hunting instinct. That is THE MAIN reason why so many men have an obsession with sports. This is not cultural AT ALL, it is biologicl, we are programmed that way.

Remember there are always exceptions to the rule. There are good female ballers out there. And there are men that have no hunting instinct left (girly men......:D ). All these differences do not mean that one gender is superior, it just makes us different. What one lacks, the other complements, which is why both genders are forced to have relationships. It is natures way of ensuring our survival as a species.


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Jul 9, 2001
east coast usa
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gonna have to disagree with you here, buddha...

Originally posted by Buddha 3
Multitasking is doing totally different things at once, back playing isn't.
backplayers are responsible for a few different tasks (at least more than front players):

1.) protect their front players...
2.) clear lanes for their front players to move...
3.) call the shots (for a push or a defensive position depending on what the situation is) 'cuz they have more vision of the field...
4.) protect that flag (points for the first pull are imperative to acquire that MAX... you don't want to give it to the opposition).
5.) and finally, the key to success... communication.
I think every one so far in this thread has had a valid point and many have been repeted though the entire thread.

The question mabey should be not can women be as good but now we are here, what now?
Supprisingly most of the mens responces were very encoraging and positive which can often be the case on the feild.

It's the underlying maleness of the sport thats hard to come to terms with.

If we do start to get more women involved in a more long term paintball playing rather than potting up getting tea looking cold and stuff sort of way.

Will they still manage to keep their own identitys or will they fit in to fit in.