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Sean Diamond

Extreme Rage Man !!!
Apr 9, 2002
There are two reasons why anyone would wipe:

1)Pro teams who need to win to stay at their level - still no excuse

2) Punters who want the full money's worth

Confessions: :eek:

I have to admit i have wiped once.
It was the first time i played, i wiped off a hit on my hopper, as we were at least 300 metres away from the opposition (Swamp field at the NPF) and there was no way that that hit had come from our opposition and i didn't want my first game ruined. In the end i t was ruined anyway because i almost drowned trying to swim (yes swim!) for the flag at the end.
Thats my point exactley!
Punters go out there to have some fun and its no fun if the person you have welted, wipes and continues with the game. Whats the point of playing a game of which the objective is to eliminate the opposition when that objective is unable to be achieved because every time you hit somone they wipe it!!!!
I'm not saying all p8ntballers do it, but those who do give bad first impressions to punters who otherwise may have taken up the sport as a full time hobby.
And if us 'ballers need the promotion that we keep talking about than wipers need to start thinking about what they're doing and how much its denting the perspective of the game.



MK Storm
Apr 12, 2002
It amuses me when you move to a barricade and no-one has seen you, you got a guy bang to rights, you are side on to him, you shoot him a couple of times, he sits there wipes blatantly and continues to sit in the same position still unaware where you are.

If your going to wipe atleast make sure your not going to get again.


ladies love kewl kid
guys...i wonder if you ever have played tournaments...of course wiping sucks, and i really hated all the years when i shot some suckers hopper, the guy goes in and comes out clean and shoots me in the goggles. but for real...when im on my way to the fifties of the break, and i know my team needs to win that one game to go on in the finals or to win the damn tournament, and i get hit on the chest, no marshall pulls me immediately, i will slide into that cover on my chest and never think about that hit again. and you know why? cause i know that every freakin, serious tourney-baller outthere is doin that, from the biggest pro to the smallest am-A team! i'd put money on that! well the russians may try not to do that, but funny, they got time penalties @ X-Ball too, see?
so, please don't tell me one of you never ever wipes, has wiped, or will wipe!
i can win without it, and mostly i do so BUT if in an important game and with the opportunity...well...
anyway i played euroball in germany this year and i saw so many players cheat (yes, i think some of you will read this, if you still care about threads like this ;) )that i am thinking about that it might has become a part of the game. fouls in football do that.

Dunno if its Veronica Thingymebob, but she is mighty fine.!.!

Anyway back to your point, Kidzero, I am not going to say that i have never wiped before, because i have, but only when the other team has blatently wiped after i welt from my direction. (i'd just like to point out that i've only done this twice, honest).
If there is a game that your team urgently needs to win in order to make whatever position, then just play tight, don't make any unnessesary mistakes and play your heart out. If a team can't win by using their skill rather than CHEATING, than paintball is going to pick a lot of bad reputations.


ladies love kewl kid
look, i see it like that: as i said, wiping or cheating is not absolutely necessary but: sometimes people just do it. its like football, sometimes you are so much into the game you give a damn and rush into the legs of that opponent supertrouper goalgetter, and most times you'll see the yellowcard for that, but if not you might saved your team of another ring in the box(errr...means: a goal for the opponent team*g*).and this does not put a bad reputation on football. i dont want to talk anybody into cheating, i just say: to me it seems it starts to be part of the game and if you do it and get three4oned you deserved it 4 sure, but if not you are a lucky *******, so what? players should think about cheating very careful, causing many one-two-three4ones won't make you someone others like to play with. beeing known as the cheat of the circuit neither. your team might cut you if you do play on with a painted goggle or run another 30 yards while getting splashed to the underwear too often*ggg*. of course i get angry at guys who i know from they wiped but the next day it is forgotten.