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Pigeon amongst the cats
Sep 25, 2002
Location, Location.
jesus i only asked two simple questions.

my thoughts on the matter which are pretty low level physics i'd guess.

Gravity at its simplest, is objects/matter with mass wanting to go toward each other. Could it be said that the paperclip is simply to far away from the centre of the gravitational pull to exert a strong influence on the paperclip. The magnet is in essence a macro example of the earths gravitational pull? If the paperclip is at one end of a table and the magnet is at the other it still exerts a force on the paperclip just one that we cant see. Same with the earth and stars in the known universe. Does that answer the question? I guess not.

If gravity facilitates a magnetic field why does a magnet lie on a bench instead of floating around?


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
AndyDane said:
no, because speed is relative, so if you were travelling at the speed of light and projected light forwards, that light would be travelling at the speed of light faster than you....

Sorry guys, it's got nothing to do with that, if you are gonna get involved , you gotta make damned sure you know what you are talking about.
Nothing can travel faster that the speed of light because it would assume infinite mass and that as we all should know is impossible..not only to assume infinite mass but also to have an infinite force to propel it...and so, it has nothing to do with light being 'relative'.......
Come on guys, this is basic A Level physics here...
I know it's Friday night an' all but if I can still think after 4 vodka and lemonades you guys should be able to otherwise we run the risk of one smart ass chick telling us all how it is..ain't that right Rosie?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2002
Robbo said:
I know it's Friday night an' all but if I can still think after 4 vodka and lemonades you guys should be able to otherwise we run the risk of one smart ass chick telling us all how it is..ain't that right Rosie?
I only spent ages doing the thing above cos I don't know the answer to the magnetism v gravity question ;), smart ass maybees but not at physics :).


Platinum Member
Robbo said:
Sorry guys, it's got nothing to do with that, if you are gonna get involved , you gotta make damned sure you know what you are talking about.
Nothing can travel faster that the speed of light because it would assume infinite mass and that as we all should know is impossible..not only to assume infinite mass but also to have an infinite force to propel it...and so, it has nothing to do with light being 'relative'.......
Come on guys, this is basic A Level physics here...
I know it's Friday night an' all but if I can still think after 4 vodka and lemonades you guys should be able to otherwise we run the risk of one smart ass chick telling us all how it is..ain't that right Rosie?
But I thought it was relative to the point you were measuring/firing/projecting it from? So no matter how fast you are going, light would always be going the speed of light faster than you? (I know you cant go the speed of light, but if you were travelling at 50% the speed of light and shining a torch forwards, wouldnt the light from the torch be travelling at the speed of light faster than you? Which sounds like the light from the torch would be travelling at 150% the speed of light, but it wouldn't, as you have to measure the speed from a relative point, in this case the torch?


Active Member
Mar 6, 2006
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no the speed of light is realtive to the time frame you are in so therefore you always see light travelling at the same speed and the only reason its relative is if it is compared with another time frame i.e. in einstiens theories
EDIT also if you could travel at the speed of light like robbo said you would have infinate mas but you would also be infinatly small .. what do we call a point if infintesimaly small matter with infinate mass :p some people call it a black hole :p:p:p:p
just somemmore useless info from me
now thats a level physics EDIT


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Ok guys you have struggled long enough with this question of gravity with some of you disappearing off into cyberspace resembling crack addicts as you scramble for your next physics fix to try and explain why gravity seems so unnaturally weak when compared to it's other three friends in the four fundamental forces stable.

I mean any force that can have an effect over zilloins of light years to the outer limits of not only our own galaxy but to the far reaches of our universe and yet at the same time be overpowered by a small bar magnet back here on earth deserves some attention I would have thought..it sure fcuks my brain up when i think about it.

Well the solution seems to lay in the possibility that gravity expresses itself in other dimensions and not just the four we experience; we live and experience the three dimensions of space and one of time, a four dimensional construct that gravity influences.
But it may well not be gravity's only sphere of influence because its effect could well be felt across extra dimensions, the 5th or maybe even 6th with I think 11 being the preferred value at the moment.

This would explain why we feel the effects so weakly because the sum total of gravity's effects is not being expressed in just our own dimension set.

As for verifying this, we cannot at the moment but soon we will possibly have the capability to collect data that some people think will go some way to indicating we have the right model.
The particle accelerator at Cern should soon provide the working data necessary to see whether this proposed model is correct.

And so, although it wasn't so much a trick question, it was one that required a deeper thought process than just parrot-fashioning your answers or copying and pasting paragraphs of physics website materials. It made you think about the subject (or should have done) and got yer thinking outside of yer A level books.
Some of you did post up stuff that wasn't really understood by yourselves but that's not such a bad thing coz you still went looking for it :)

And so, I'm gonna assign you a 4 out of 10 mark and that's for effort coz none of you actually nailed the answer (or anything like it) with a 'could do better' tag added on.....

Hmmm, as for my next little question, I'll think of one :)