reality check
i am an army cadet instructor and have found that because the army recruiting teams use paintball as one of their many activities on the DTE (defence training estates) they will set up a big bouncey castle tent and use it as a range or use a valley and do CQB (close quarter battle). Due to this the big people at the top of the MOD had to write some standing orders up for this. Me being nosey decided to have a look at these and found hundreds of safety issues and i do mean lots. The one i found really funny was that wrote in black and white it said that paintballs were filled with powder.
I spent the next 3 weeks trying to tell them that the paperwork they had wrote was a load of rubbish.
They told me that i could use the area for my own paintball site and i would just have to pay them a small fee.
Which i was i little interested in but i'm not now.
What i'm trying to say to you here mr piggy is that if you want to play paintball go to any site of your choice weather it be a rental or walk on site and thats it.
Paintball sites are there for a reason. The organisers spend years getting things sorted out and making the sport as safe and enjoyable as possible.
If you want to do something with about 8 people in a wood on private land then try airsoft as that is the new outlaw in england and i can tell you i'm never gonna just rock up in some woods and play unless i know that there is a good action safety plan and insurance policy for playing the sport of paintball involved.
Sorry i just had to say this as i can see you just wante to enjoy yourself but leave it to the professionals mate.
i am an army cadet instructor and have found that because the army recruiting teams use paintball as one of their many activities on the DTE (defence training estates) they will set up a big bouncey castle tent and use it as a range or use a valley and do CQB (close quarter battle). Due to this the big people at the top of the MOD had to write some standing orders up for this. Me being nosey decided to have a look at these and found hundreds of safety issues and i do mean lots. The one i found really funny was that wrote in black and white it said that paintballs were filled with powder.
I spent the next 3 weeks trying to tell them that the paperwork they had wrote was a load of rubbish.
They told me that i could use the area for my own paintball site and i would just have to pay them a small fee.
Which i was i little interested in but i'm not now.
What i'm trying to say to you here mr piggy is that if you want to play paintball go to any site of your choice weather it be a rental or walk on site and thats it.
Paintball sites are there for a reason. The organisers spend years getting things sorted out and making the sport as safe and enjoyable as possible.
If you want to do something with about 8 people in a wood on private land then try airsoft as that is the new outlaw in england and i can tell you i'm never gonna just rock up in some woods and play unless i know that there is a good action safety plan and insurance policy for playing the sport of paintball involved.
Sorry i just had to say this as i can see you just wante to enjoy yourself but leave it to the professionals mate.