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When o'when will you upgrade your toyz????


Active Member
Jan 24, 2003
Searching for the pro-tour....:S
Circular Upgrades

I'm not that prone to upgrading every five minutes but if you actually make a change to your marker that works, something else will follow. Buy a faster marker, need a HALO etc.

I bought a secondhand eclipse mag, gave it level 10, flatline, freak, random shiney bits (drop, grip etc.). I was then outshooting my loader, ahh X-board time. I then out shot that, intellframe and intellifeed i thought.

Shoved those on and was happy, for about 5 cases of paint, when I started outshooting my valve. So now i'm waiting for my X-Valve.

I've got to agreed with the view that all the top end markers are fashion and personal choice rather than any given marker being better.

I've shot e-blades, IR3's , LCD's, x-mags, Voodoo impies and there's nothing between them. Also there's definately nothing between any of those markers and my mag that will justify £1200!!

Shoot what you like, shoot it well, and whatever else, shoot the tart with the newest gun, even if he is on your team!!!!



P.s. playing on sunday one of our guys went out with his shiny new voodoo impy. UUUhhhmmm looks lovely, until it mashed paint like it was going out of fashion, refused to work with Vision turned on, and shot 310, 314, 316 over the chrony.

That'll be progress then!!!!!;) :D


Jul 9, 2001
know your gear

P.s. playing on sunday one of our guys went out with his shiny new voodoo impy. UUUhhhmmm looks lovely, until it mashed paint like it was going out of fashion, refused to work with Vision turned on, and shot 310, 314, 316 over the chrony.
changing gear like you lot change your underware (monthly) causes another problem. When something goes wrong, you have no idea how to fix it, or what to do about it.
Stick with a gun, learn everything about it you can and do like
IanC is doing and upgrade the thing. In the end, if your gun works, shoots paint, is fast on the trigger, there's not much difference.
i believe that a correctly setup marker put in a good player's hands is lethal. But even if you're good enough to play for Dynasty; if you gun dosn't work, you're useless on the field.

Know your gun, know how it works. They're suprisingly simple pieces of kit.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
know your gear

Originally posted by Red_Merkin

Know your gun, know how it works. They're suprisingly simple pieces of kit.
Well I can never never seem to work the GPS Sat Nav on the Ir3, the little voice keeps telling me to go right at the Dorito to avoid the JackKnifed back player..................

:confused: :confused: :confused:


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Originally posted by Red_Merkin
what gun are you using this week?
What you mean I am only allowed one? :(

This week I will be mainly shooting... an Intimidator... or a C&C X-mag... or a Race Spearhead autococker... or sheese I am bad aren't I? ;)

Actually I might take a few SC guns to the M25 league if anyone fancies a challenge...

At least I don't just sell em on every few weeks for a new gun. I use em all and know how they work and how to fix em (pretty much).

Heck one of the reasons I buy em is to find out how they work :D

I'm a technut, and proud of it :)