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whats in a name?

silentbob was my old nickname in southampton now its bob/custard for unknown reasons so when i registered i registered as silentbob but that was taken and my favourtite band is blink 182 so i stole the 182 and made silentbob182
and sir rosse no one has ever called you pope rosse bearmano the 4th it was your signature on my forums your real nicknames are bearman/blondie/filthy scot/b*stard/and wot?


Really Old School
Sep 17, 2002
Im like Polyfilla I fill cracks

I used to supply some very entertaining European movies from denmark and germany to work colleagues friend etc
One guy said "Robbo your just like some porn Baron"
The Baron has been my internet handle for years
even met my wife via the net using it...Odd thing was her children(NOW Stepchildren) used to call me the Baron allllll the time got some funny looks around the shops and at center parcs...

The end


Ps i know this is an old thread but still worth reviving

Film Quote ZULU
Bourne: It's a miracle.
Chard: If it's a miracle Colour Sergeant, it's a short chamber Boxer Henry, point 4-5 caliber miracle.
Bourne: And a bayonet sir, with some guts behind.


destroy your idols!
Oct 5, 2002
messingham way
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This from a man named after a weak R+B artist...... case dismissed your honour. lol.
i hope not, i hope its the mario of nintendo.

n e way, while i used to b at skwl, i used to b very fat, and wen my hair gets long it turns into a blonde afro. So some stupid bully one day decided to call me bushpig.
which stuck for people to pik with for years, but finally as me and me friends matured more, the pig was lost and i was left with bush.

i did not get my nickname from anutha story i have;) :D


Feb 11, 2002
Planet, 0161
around 10 years ago!!!! i was playing a lot of online MUD games (none graphical multiplayer games) and eventually i worked my way up to the rank of 'builder' which basically ment i made levels for the game.....with this rank i was able to have 2 characters in the game....one a player and one an immortal....my player was jahlad and my immortal was vaul.

the names i got from:
jahlad: taken from a character mentioned but never actually seen on screen in the star trek the next gen episode : darmok

vaul: taken from a short story about the eldar weaponsmith god vaul in the warhammer 40k universe.

ive pritty much exclusivly used these names on every online game/forum since....with jahlad become the more common in the last 5 years. kinda geeky where they came from i know, but they are both pritty decent names for characters. jahlad can still be found in star wars galaxies pritty regularly and vaul is mentioned in the credits of more than one mud that still runs

strangly, in paintball circles i have become known in places as jahlad due to people knowing me from here and am oftern refered to by this name rather than my real name, personally im indifferent, its not really a nick name, more an alter ego.

i dont really have a propper real life nickname....tho various vampire references (pale skin) and mr muscle (skinny) aint uncommon! at work im know as yoshi! but only because 2 of the other guys looked like mario and luigi and they couldnt think of anything else to call me.


I Would
Dec 6, 2004
Dskize was my tag when i used to think i was a graffiti artist (mostly involved writing illegibly on bus stops) - we had this phase in Edinburgh when breakdancing was in and we all bought Run DMC and Afrika Bambataa albums and watched Wildstyle (or possibly Wyldstyle),well there was a graffiti posse from the states called the fallen angels (sorry girls they had it first) and at the time we thought they were really cool (still do as it happens:D) and they all had tags ...so..... eh.... we did too .


WCK Killa
Oct 11, 2004
swansea, wales, uk
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well got mine cos sion (real name pronounced shawn) cancelled down by 2 letters is si(also in chinese means small / little as i used to be tiny compared to everyone else HEIGHT WISE NOW PEOPLE) but sum one had that so just added an e on the end like die
and 2050 is becuase i smoked 2050 joints in a matter of 2050 minutes.............:p............. it was actually from $hitty yahoo that just randomly made me a username when i made a second email account after i forgot my password wat a sad pathetic way eh lol:D