Haha thanks

According to my school i'm one of these people who is " above average intelligence" so i guess it helps in discussions such as this
I did make the profile when i was 14

, i wanted CK as that is how people i play with know me, but it wasn't long enough so i went for an old school name
Thanks a lot for the credit

and yeah i'd definatly agree about sustaining the love. Do you not believe that there has to be a certain "portion" of this love already there in order to create the "full thing". For me i'd say that a strong bond between the two people is needed, even before thinking about the relationship i.e close in personality,beliefs etc. as having the same interests is often useful of course for talking points etc. and it means you enjoy doing similar things, therefore, there is less confliction and negativety in the relationship, so this "gut wrenching love" is hard to sustain, but personally i would say it is by no means easy to create, but of course this is a personal view, just wondered what your thoughts were on it in detail Buddha.