One more time
Originally posted by Baca Loco
Just think how much fun Announcements, Contacts & Queries is gonna be!
As to Urban's post he is welcome to his opinion(s), he is also welcome anytime to express them here. He is not welcome to go out of his way to offend (even Robo) with repetitious and extreme vulgarity and even then I only deleted his post, as I said, to give him an opportunity to cool down so things wouldn't move to a point I don't believe anyone really wants. (And before you ask why don't I delete Robo's post as some might view it the same way there are limits even to my powers.
If Urban is determined to make a repeat performance of that post I'm sure he knows how to get hold of Robo.
Good Morning...
I'm well away of the history between Robbo and some members of my team. I kinda spotted a certain, shall we say, tenseness, in almost every post that has come up between Pestie, Famine and Robbo, and inquired as to what was what. I had to go back a few months and read quite a bit of the boards, around January time I think, to get an idea of where the problems lay.
I was cool when I posted it, and I'm still cool now, but just can't be bothered to type the whole thing out again. What he said was wrong, plain and simple, and deserved the response I gave it. That wasn't an off the cuff post. I actually went and had a bath before coming back and posting. Believe me,
every word in it was carefully selected.
Whether against my team mate of mine or anyone else the response would have been the same. While I do understand the history, and can view it impartially regardless of what anyone else may think, that is no excuse for an arrogant and inconsistant attitude.
Some people can post up what they think, insult, and end up in a discussion over their points. Others get banned before they even get to the insult part.
Baco had already suggested Nick repost before this even got off the first page, suggesting an admission by him that it was wrong to delete it in the first place and that a mistake had been made. Had the matter been left at that we wouldn't even have got the stage where I posted... the matter would have been done and dusted. 2-3 weeks ago Robbo didn't even know who Baco was, and was even suggesting he was someone he wasn't... now he's a Mod.
Ban people by all means, it's your forum. But please adopt a consistant attitude across all Mods. While, as TJ has pointed out, the owners have a business plan it is starting to look like they have no idea how to run a forum.
I've been a Mod myself, we had 2000 active members, not just numbers. As Manike has already pointed out, and I would pretty much agree with him having been here nearly 4 months now, out of your 2700-odd you have maybe 200-300 actually posting. Personalities do come onto it, insults will get thrown, differences of opinion will happen, things will get out of hand. When they do it is down to the Mods to behave consistantly and without emotion. Unbiased, fair, and consistant is the only way to avoid accusations of a clique. I thought I could do that and ended up handing in my Mod-ship after 2 months as I found myself posting up exactly the sort of sh1te Robbo did upon banning Pestie. Something about the old chesnut of 'absolute power...." I think.
You do have a clique, it's entirely normal. Every forum I've ever been to where people are linked in anyway by real life gets accusations of a clique. The only way to deal with it is to ignore it and ensure you are impartial, while driving forward with the vision of what you want the forum to become. The accusations will stop.
I've already suggested long-term stickies for each forum, covering both FAQ's and some of the repetetive questions you get asked. That probably also needs to be expanded to include a sticky entitled something like "Read this before you post here" detailing exactly what is and isn't acceptable with the forum in question.
will thank you for removing the post, as it has allowed me to post this up.
I don't need to bother about a 'repeat performance' of that post... it is available to view elsewhere if anyone had a particular desire to do so.