You have no idea how good it makes me feel when you guys say stuff like this cos i was there (with some lovley female assistants) from 7.30am on thursday.....and anybody there on friday night would have seen me still putting up netting at 8.30 on friday.
Worked so hard and just gald that you loved it. My big thanx go to:
Gemma for doing as much work as me,
Les for being a dude and treating us to dinner,
Junior for teaching us how to play well again (4th div A, whoda guessed)
Sammy T for using her endless charm to make ppl cough up cash
Nick T for letting her and being a good marshal
Hannah for squirting paint in my ear and giving me and ear infection
Cussi for being a v good captain on the day, again whoda thought
All the angels for working a lot
Wendy for the pot noodle
Hannah for cooking pot noodles
Bex and Kerry for being good at adding sums n stuff
NoXcuse for beating planet and kellys, made us feel better bout loosing to you....
my mum for picking me up,
god for not making it rain
cook$ for chasing hannah with me
walker for spraying my with the hose
erm.....and everybody who was ya all
l8rz, cowboy