Posted on behalf of @
paul warped as he currently has internet issues:
Hi peeps, We have been a little bit quite on here for a while, well we have been reworking Plague 5 for all you ballers out, we have made some changes to the game to make it truly epic event for all, so keep you ears to the ground as details on this well be released in the next couple of days, so get booking guys don't miss this game.
Now lets take a look at the Hirooa Tribe leader Kal Raye Domn AKA Chris Horne
As you walk through the forest, leaves rustling under the thread of your combat boots, you hear a sound coming from in front of you. The nights mist is caught by a slight breeze and through the trees you see a thousand warriors walking towards you. The moon light glints off their combat visors, steady hands hold well weapons you can tell they are adept at using.
But who is the man who leads this tribe of mighty warriors?
Who is this man with bear’s strength?
Who is this man with raven’s wit?
Who is this man with foxes cunning and guile?
This is Kal Ray Dom aka Chris Fixer Horne and let’s hear a bit about him
Well, like many of you guys reading this Chris first got a taste of paintball playing at a rental day for a family birthday. And like any normal sensible human being he was hooked! He played a few more rental games, before travelling to Cosford to play in Plague 2 – his first own gun event, with a borrowed custom 98 (which he now actually owns). A month or so later he bought his own goggles and marker, a beautiful camo green TM-15 called Betty, which has never let him down. He is now a self confessed marker whore – owning 15 markers of various types.
Since then he has tried to play in any paintball games that he can, travelling around the country to hit as many walk-on scenario games as time, transport and still having a job will allow. He has played in all of the Big Games, joining the North just as they broke the South’s winning streak (coincidence?)
Finding no teams local to him he and a few mates started Carpe Jugulum, which has now grown to include over 20 members. With the team he has organised training events, 1v1 tournaments and scenario missions for the team. And he still keeps close ties with the team.
In 2012 he joined the UK Mercenaries whilst they used Warped Cosford as a training ground. And although new to the team he was chosen to lead their second squad (aka suicide squad) at the 2012 Big Game – with much success and drinking.
This year was his first year at Paintfest, where he played in all the games – Miltac, Zombie invasion and Diamond Wars – and he was on the wining team for all of these (coincidence?)
He has never played tournament paintball, stating he is completely happy in the woods. You may recognise his trade mark T1000 (geek reference!), of standing in the way of incoming fire without getting hit.
Looking to get more games played he joined the Recon Ghosts in July this year.
Following on from his win at Lockdown, where he played thecharacter of the dashingly hansom Jim Farnell of Tornado Squad, Chris is ready to win again!
Hirooa live game time line with follow later on today