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Warped presents Plague 5: Aftermath

Martins fau5tz

Ark Angel
Sep 11, 2013
im new to paintball I have been to paintball few times and im absolutely love it. Soon im considering to purchase my own gear. so i was hoping maybei can come to this event.

Just wondering : do i need team or i can just come and play ?


Gaz #68

Warped #68
May 14, 2010
No team required so you can come as an individual and get assigned to one of the tribes or if you have a preference you can ask for a specific tribe when you book in. Just let them know you need to rent equipment when making your booking and you should be good to go :)

Gaz #68

Warped #68
May 14, 2010
With CPPS now done for this season I get a short break then it's off to Plague for a bit of woodsball. Anyone else looking forward to this one :)

paul warped

May 29, 2013
Plague 5 Hirooa Tribe live game timeline. Hi guys please take a look.

10.00 Hrs L.A.R.E.
Locate and recover mine clearing equipment in zone 4, relocate all equipment to zone 6.
Time given 60 minutes, award 5000 battle tokens.

11.00 Hrs L.A.R.
Locate and return Arms drop in zone 6, Arms drop must be returned to Hirooa HQ in zone 1.
Time given 60 minutes, award 10000 battle tokens.

12.00 Hrs S.A.C.
Search and clear all land mines if any in zone 1, mine clearing equipment can only be transported to zone 1 from zone 6 at 12.00 Hrs.
Time given 60 minutes, award 10000 battle tokens.

13.00 Hrs re-arm, food and rest.

13.30 Hrs S.A.D
Search and destroy the W.S.T.F, who could be in any zone on the battle field.
Time given 30 minutes, award 15000 battle tokens.

14.00 Hrs F.A.S.
Find and sercure fuel drop in zone 5 at 14.15 Hrs
Time given 15 minutes, award 5000 battle tokens.

14.30 Hrs R.A.R.
Remove and relocate the Katabarta bridge located in zone 2 and relocate and build at bridge crossing point in zone 6
Time given 60 minutes, award 10000 battle tokens.

15.30 Hrs D.A.A
Deploy and attact Katabarta HQ, HQ must be cleared of all Katabarta tribe personnel
Time given 30 minutes, award 5000 battle tokens.

Take full control of zone 2
Time 30 minutes award 20000 battle tokens

There you have it guys, do you think you can complete all these orders ? On top of these orders you will be given extra orders or tasks to gain extra battle tokens to spend on on game weapons and resource's, it up to your tribe leader and you to decide, do you spit your tribe ? Do you stay as one ? Or do you send your training Squad to do the extra tasks, you decide.

All battle codes that you will need on game will be slowly released over the next two weeks right up the night before the event, you will find them on Cosford Paintball Club on Facebook , Plague 5 event page also on Facebook and all good paintball forums.

More info to follow peeps in a couple of days.

Get ready !!! Get booked !!! Get real time battle !!!
Call now to book
Parksey Warped

paul warped

May 29, 2013
This is a real time battle set in a real theatre of battle with real time objectives, get real battle time this year, get booked now guys