Well noony it's only yourself you gotta think about getting there mate

my dad said he's sort me and my two mates a lift out so we are sorted. You can meet up with us in the morning if you want at my house for a bit of a convoy
About the air i've rung up a few dive centers and they have said they only rent equipment to qualified divers cause they don't want people who don't know what they are doing to go diving which is fair nuf. I have other routes i can go down anyway mate.
You might wanna try ringing up some dive shops near you for tanks. I'm sure i can get an adaptor for us if i can't get bottles. Make sure however they are steel bottles and not aluminium bottles cause that's what i was told by one dive center because the aluminium ones are prone to explode
We have to be there at 7 in the morn but i'm gonna be there earlier mate cause i wanna get a spot to chuck kit down in. Also in your final orders you'll get your arrival times and ****
oh and 4001 cause of the fluke factor
