Lovetone said:
i played the 3 man there at xmas time and it was well cool
It is cool ish, I've played there for 4's not so bad except when it's raining badly & the mud makes it difficult, the gazebo over the setup area leaks, or used to leak (not sure if it does now?), and getting up that hill to the last 3 fields isn't great in the mud. BUT since Wendy changed the layout somewhat it's been loads better. Can't remember how it used to be

, but it wasn't as good. Every time we play there they solve another problem & make the site better. The stage is a good feature.
The fields aren't all perfectly flat, as someone mentioned, but not to the extent where I feel I've
ever lost a game purely because of the slight slant, and it's swings & roundabouts; it's likely you'll play both ends on most of the fields. Uttox, good times! (and closer to us than Lincoln

Lincoln's flat & the grass it good, good parking, but 2hrs 20 from us.
Wrexham is a fantastic site, but not, I think, useable all year round.
We used to use Leicester & Nottingham Skirmish didn't we (tho am I confused, was this Bullies?), those were great sites- particularly Leicester. -Maybe better than Lincoln as it had that setup area already.
I think we need a site in the South

Peace, x.