Ok, so the marshalling was v. poor to be honest, several bad calls and lack of confidence to get in and check players. For example, not going in and checking a player hit going into the snake, but just standing on the tape signalling 'play on'. And lots of other little things.
I have to say also, team captains were yelled at by one guy who said he'd beat anyone he saw abusing refs (he had 3 sons reffing on a field), because apparently they were being deliberately shot. First off, if they were shot on purpose, thats not on at all, BUT, that does not make it ok for that guy to then stand up and threaten the rest of the teams like that.
Secondly, he had three sons on one field??? So three relatively inexperienced refs on one field??? Good move.
Thirdly, i never saw anyone shooting the refs from the dead box out of malice, but i did shoot one myself in game, because he was stood straight down my lane in front of an opposing player, and even though i was screaming at him to move, he didnt. So the ref standing right next to me told me to put a few balls on him - nice.
Lastly, I heard a few people saying words to the effect of, 'If you don't leave these refs alone and stop criticising them, we won't have a tournament'. Great stuff, but as far as i can tell, it's the other way round. If this tournament doesn't sort the reffing out, they'll start losing teams, for sure.
Most, if not all of the teams were complaining about the situation, and yes some could be heard debating whether or not they wanted to carry on even playing the series.