Wendyism said:
You may have noticed that Northern Heroes are not with us this month due to finances....i know a couple of the teams are truly gutted not to have them there so they can beat up on them.....ahhh well i'm not one to stir....
Which teams want to beat up on us

I thought we were liked
The team might not be playing but im still coming Wendy, you don't get off that lightly
Anyone want a player?
Or i'll just have to watch an i dont think wendy could take that as i'd b*tch about every game not just the ones im in

(i'd just like to point out theres nothing wrong with wendys events its just it wouldnt be the same for me without controversy it would be like reading the newspaper to find out the whole world is at peace. Whats the point in reading that it would be boring

Or do you want me to marshall wendy an i can take some of the abuse i generally give out