have they brought a rule in for marshals to sneak a crafty fag under his mask between games ? !!
They have if its me

Though dont let Wendy know this lol.
so if you ask for a paint check on your back do you have to sit there and not shoot until your called clean / or hit, or can you keep playing until ref makes you "aware" of your hit
I dont mind answering questions as I am going to be ultimating a field at both the 5 & 7 man at all events unless unforseen circumstances arrive but im not an official spokesperson for the Uk Masters. This is my own take on the rules which hopefully are right

but they are still my own opinion even though i did spend over an hour on the phone to Wendy the other night going through them
Right the way i see it, youve been hit on your back you cant see if the ball has broken but you have been made aware of a hit. You have to ask for a paint check and wait for a ref to check you before you can carry in playing.
24.03 If a player gets shot at and he cannot check for a hit by himself at certain locations (for example visor, throat, back, battle pack) he has to immediately cease play and call a ref or a paint check. Failing to do so constitutes playing on.
If you do call a check then carry on playing this will constitute a playing on offence penalised by this rule:
30.02 The penalty for playing on is the removal of a team-mate in a one-for-one call, unless in the referee’s opinion such playing on has materially influenced the course of the game giving the offending player’s team an advantage, in which case the penalty for playing on is the removal of two team-mates in a two-for-one call.
That looks professional the way ive written this
Dan - ill give you a call in an hour or so, im trying to do my accounts and have been all day and my phone has been on silent lol