Originally posted by mazz_had2k4
ok thanks m8, looks like ill be starting one when i get to uni, if i get to uni
Cool, best of luck getting started. I wouldn't try and get on started until at least after your first term. You should settle in first and make the most of enjoying your freshers. Perhaps get everything set up (recognition, a committee, a small core of members, deals with sites etc) ready to launch at freshers in sept/oct of your second year.
Originally posted by GinjaKunt
out of curiosity how many uni's signed up for the rec ball, am pissed off UEA could not enter as really wanted to, but hey flying helicopters in scotland sounds a bit better 
Am getting the cash in for 2 teams to enter the sup air, what is the likely hood of being able to book guns with the site, A4's of course.
There are only 3 teams playing the 15 a side recball on sunday. It would have been nice to have more, maybe next year. I'm sure they'll have a good day all the same.
Yes there are A4's available, but it's first come first served booking them. Also as i mentioned to you on the phone, if you are bringing 2 teams they will be in different divisions, and the way the scheduling will run will mean that your teams will be able to share a set of guns as they won't be playing at the same time. Which should cut the cost a little.
Originally posted by one of the chicks
Hi sorry to be a pain but can someone give me the guy in charges number for this event...would like to speak to him about possibly playing??
Originally posted by Michael Merola
Contact Steve Hancock , he is the organiser and he uses these forums. Just pm him
I've PM'd you.