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UK University Paintball Championships


Jul 19, 2005
Yeah also some info about accomodation would be great...
Specifically our guys will probably be Megabusing it down, gets into Birmingham at 11.50pm, any Brum Uni students willing to put us up for a night?! :):) And maybe Im being dumb, but whats the best way to get to the site from Birmingham, taxi? Is it far?


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Oct 26, 2005
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Does it matter if it is capped or not? can we prove what we are shooting? we don't have the kit or the trained tourney marshalls to test.

semi auto will have to do as a rule. otherwise its just a rule that can't be enforced.


Jul 19, 2005
But if anyone uses ramping, its as close to auto as you can get... Its why one of the series (cant remember which) has said you can ramp or anything, but only to 15bps, its easier to catch people shooting faster than this than to catch people with ramping modes, especially the 'cheater' modes.

Steve Hancock

Free man!
Aug 7, 2003
Birmingham (UK)
Originally posted by AUPaintSoc
But if anyone uses ramping, its as close to auto as you can get... Its why one of the series (cant remember which) has said you can ramp or anything, but only to 15bps, its easier to catch people shooting faster than this than to catch people with ramping modes, especially the 'cheater' modes.
The PSP and Millenium, and in the UK the PA legalised ramping. The reason being it was decided it was impractical to check whether the number of trigger pulls matched the number balls fired. In fact when players started to push the limit of trigger sensitivity it was reallised that it is difficult to strictly define what constitutes a trigger pull. However it was possible to measure how many balls were being fired provided you have assess to the equipment. As a result it was decided to allow a degree of ramping but limit the max rate of fire. As it is now easy to achieve the maximum level of performance there is little need for cheating to reach 15 balls/sec, and it is to detectable to risk going past 15 balls/sec.

Firstly all this hinges on having the BPS counter technology, which we don't. Secondly the need for this is based on the fact that people were cheating, which we can rely upon the teams not to do at this more friendly tourney.

Let me justify that last point a little. Whilst i expect that the contenders would very much like to win (I'm sure hoping that Birmingham will whup all your asses and taking home the title ;) ) they actually stand to gain a lot more in the long run from the event developing and strengthening uni paintball - potentially a BUSA event, universal recognition as a sport, and the associated funding. Damaging the integrity of the event in order to win it is against there interests in the long run.

Also I hope there will be a sense of fair play due to the friendly nature of the event.

Aside from this there is the fact that some of the teams may not have ramping markers and that the increased firepower would be make for the newer teams being suppressed of the break and not even getting the chance to play against the more experienced teams.

Any way ramble over, dinner's ready. :)

Bunka Monky

New Member
Oct 2, 2002
so information from the sidelines with out artificial aids ?
basic coaching without walkie talkies then ?
"Hes in the snake you goobers" from the sideline would be fine then i take it ?

Steve Hancock

Free man!
Aug 7, 2003
Birmingham (UK)
Originally posted by Bunka Monky
so information from the sidelines with out artificial aids ?
basic coaching without walkie talkies then ?
"Hes in the snake you goobers" from the sideline would be fine then i take it ?
Yep. :)
Originally posted by Michael Merola
As i said , im sure if we agree on something we can just all give our word to follow... i know i would
Eventually we will need to be a bit stricter, but for at least this year we will rely on the spirit of fair play. My aim would be to get the event up to a level where we can play whatever turns out to be the dominant format (Hopefully 5-man matches of some sort), perhaps with our event tagged on to another regular event. Then we will just follow the standard rules and enforcement. But like we said, for now we don't need to worry about that. :)


New Member
Apr 20, 2004
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I wanna play!

Anyone know of anybody @ Leicester uni thats a baller?

I would be interested in playing, but I'm the only player I know...

Get them to drop me a pm or something if theyre interested... I have transpo etc. :D