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UK Teams in NPPL


Toot de la fruit!
Nov 8, 2004

Originally posted by Kyle - Shock Unit 04

uk ball is about 78 billion years behind us ball

I didnt think u wud agree with anything i put, due to that Somanc Thread argument in the past that got band, Respect

I agree that US ball is way more advanced

Team Impulse Rambo

Ex Paintballer
Oct 3, 2004
North Yorkshire
wouldnt UK balling get better if all the top American team's came over to the EU more also smaller US team's that play in leagues sutch as NPPL ect so even smaller team's can improve there skill's agaist the american's (i am a noob probly rong as normal :) )


Toot de la fruit!
Nov 8, 2004
What do you mean you accept my apology?

Originally posted by Kyle - Shock Unit 04
i think you realised you were wrong

i accept your apologies
If you know how the english language works, to aplogize you have to say the word 'sorry' so i dont think so


Aug 19, 2003
trainin against the best in the UK

Originally posted by PEBBLE

I think its an okay idea to train against the best in the uk but to be the best you have to beat the best (Dynasty/RL)

So what iam saying that there is not much point in trainin against UK teams cos UK teams are not the best in the world, You have to train against Dynasty/RL

I know someone from Shock/Kyle is gonna say they beat Dynasty in Denver but i doult that you cud beat them consistenly (i.e out of 10) ,no offence intended
I wouldn't precisely narrow it down to training as such, I would say its a scrim to get some game time in, to workout some weaknesses or add to strengths, work on some teamwork above and beyond what the drill sessions can do for you. Tweak things throughout the day. For me, I would like the chance to give the newest guys (about a yr with us) some needed game time against very good opposition, and hopefully hold our own, and play at a good standard. We know we can.

We drill alot, but some scrims could do some good. Maybe fun too :) and if it doesnt work out then we dont have to again.


Shock Unit
Dec 3, 2003
the krispy kreme factory
Visit site
The 3 UK pro teams should definately train together-everyone agrees but its said all the time-between the teams and here on forums but very rarely happens,

I personally think what the UK is lacking the most is a quality field with Airball fields and air that is mainly focussed on tournament players,one that is useable by all ballers novice to Pro anytime of the week and weekends,

Im sure many people have put alot of thought into it but the fact is that Rental fields make more money-the people that run them are businessmen that oblivously want to make money and are not interested in furthering the sport,

Just imagine a field that you could go to in the week to do some drills,1on 1's etc.,grind all weekend long with your teamates and that has all the top players and teams attending. With air and everything you need there all year long.

In that kind of environment players skill would improve fast and would also offer somewhere that would expose and get alot of new people involved in the sport,

More people in the sport means more money for the industry, in the UK we have Planet,WDP, National,Dye,PMI,Smart Parts Europe-alot of big hitters which oblivously are looking to make money in europe could benefit big time from a UK Village by investing in it, you could have Planet or Dye Village with Proshop,own paint for sale etc...........

Im going to stop ranting now,i didnt train today-the first Sunday in a LONG time and feeling a bit ****.



Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
This is ground control, have you taken your reality pills???

Why don't the UK pro teams set themselves a realistic and attainable target before dreams of grandeur fuelled by mutual fellatio set in?

Joy Division are heads and shoulders above the UK teams as far as ability and NPPL placement goes, are you telling me they knock heads against other pro teams weekly? or even have access to as many usable Air Ball fields in the winter?

Try thinking about emulating Joy and what they've achieved and how, not some pipe dream about being competitive against the best US teams. Yes, Joy does contain the best Swedish players in one team, but do we really think their talent pool is bigger?

Combined scrimmaging only helps the lower ability teams (hence Storm and Kelly's probable keenness to undertake it). Self belief is all good, but not when it crosses the point of delusion.

The "Gap" the UK needs to bridge is core skills and physical fitness. 99% (strangely the same proportion of people are kidding themselves Paintball is a Sport), of UK players wouldn't know real fitness if it come up and smacked em on the face. Sort this first then think about putting players into game scenarios, then finally think scrimmaging. Russian Legion training is indicative of this, but not wholly relevant (given that is effective full time), however as an estimate I say 50% PT, 30% Drill / core skills, 10% manufactured scenarios (2v1s, breakouts, loading etc), 5% live Scrimmage, 5% tournament would be about the balance teams and players would be looking for.

But what am I saying, you all know this. Problem is 99% of you are too pussy to put it into practice.


Aug 19, 2003
Thats very easy for you to say sitting at your computer Mr Stongle. I vote we throw caution to the wind, and do it, not every weekend, maybe every 8 weeks or so. We train at drills, as much as the team can afford (every friday night, and some weekends) so to scrim aswell and get some game time in (hey maybe for a little fun) would be good. None of us are fat or unfit (although there is vast room for improvement)

We would like to try this, and like I previously said, if we do it, and it doesnt work out, we dont have to do it again.