it doesnt really mean ANYTHING anyways...
I was playing in a division where we played the same team twice because the 3 Destiny teams didnt have to play each other...
some teams played more 'easy' games than others...
if everyone doesnt play everyone how can you ever get a fair result? you cant! so it doesnt mean anything where we finished after 6? 8? averaged? games!!!!!!!
finishing in the top or bottom two doesn't always mean you go up or down a division... so the results at the end of the year are equally meaningless...
Do we get money off the next round?
I payed for a full days paintball and didnt get one... yes it was a 'nice' atmosphere and pleasantries were swapped all day long despite the extremely cold rain we recieved, but the fact of the matter is that we didnt get what we payed for! if you pre-paid for a three course meal and the the chef ****ed off before the dessert came what would you do? you'd want some money back!
Moreover my team didnt even get a choice because we happened to be playing when the decision was taken to go home!
You've got a lot of anger there. Its easy to stake your side of the argument, but its harder to understand the other.
So the two issues you have is that you didn't get a full days paintball.....sorry but this isn't punter ball and decisions had to be made....which brings me to my second point.......the captains meeting was called according to the rules. That is, no team shall play until the captains meeting was complete. And that was the case....the fields were empty while Wendy and Bex explained the situation.
As has been stated earlier, what would you have done? You are damned if you do and damned if you don't. My team made a decision to leave. Wendy said that if enough teams remained then play would continue. So, it would seem that there wasn't enough teams to who's to blame? Surely the team captains of the teams that left should be the target.....not the organisers.
At the end of it all, we are all entitled to our opinions and thats what these open forums are for. If you have a grievance, I recommend you speak with Wendy and I'm sure that she will be able to sort this out. I don't envy her task, so why don't you spare a thought for her, Andy and the rest of the Angels.