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Uk Masters March Results

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Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
Ok, so most people would agree that how the scores were worked out at the end of the day was unfair

Most people do not know exactly how the scores are worked out so they cannot say that its unfair.
It's obvious that averaging the full game scores is not perfect,(which I believe is the method used), but then its better than any other method.
Voiding the results is a no-brainer as the majority of games were played by most teams (75-80%)


Ok, so most people would agree that how the scores were worked out at the end of the day was unfair (Personally, I don't). But lets turn it on its head and ask all the naysayers one thing.....

If you were the tournament organiser, how would you do it to make it fair? :confused:

Now before you reply, just think what everyone has said here. Most of the points are valid in one way or another, but guys, you ain't gonna make evryone happy. Its a crappy choice, but someone has to make it and that someone was Wendy......love ya darling:p

QFT- if there's one set of shoes I'm glad I didn't have to wear at the weekend it's Wendy's (bit small;)) Imagine the fun had by all organising over that weekend; call the event off and get moans from those that still want to play, go ahead and get moans from those that can't make it. Then have the event only to have to make a fast choice with the weather coming in hard as to whether to continue, then make the choice only to have it clear up a few minutes later. Then make a choice as to how to do the scoring and please absolutely nobody- take the first six games and get teams that picked up later/played 8 getting grumpy, or do the average thing and find half the teams feel robbed as it isn't a 'fair reflection' of how the day went.
What amazed me on the day was how great the atmosphere was despite the crappy snow and cold wind, with everyone keeping their heads up and playing regardless, so let's not piss all over that now with a lot of maths arguments. If anyone felt the result didn't reflect their performance then you've got a chance to prove the point either way, but we will never hit on a solution that pleases everyone so maybe let it go and start doing rock squats ready for April;)

Oh and thanks to Tendring for jumping in with us at the last minute and putting up with the pervy chat and innuendo all day, the judges for keeping a sense of humour despite the hideous conditions and Wendy we love you:D

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
do the average thing and find half the teams feel robbed as it isn't a 'fair reflection' of how the day went.
-Wendy we love you:D
Doing is the average is a fair reflection as it takes into account how your team played over the day. Nothing can really take into account the games you did not play, but if you take an average of how you played upto that point and apply it the remaining games you get a theoretical score if you stayed consistent.

Oh and thanks to Tendring for jumping in with us at the last minute and putting up with the pervy chat and innuendo all day, the judegs for keeping a sense of humour despite the hideous condidtions and Wendy we love you
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :eek::eek:


Gone crazy, back soon...
Oh and thanks to Tendring for jumping in with us at the last minute and putting up with the pervy chat and innuendo all day
Yeah, definite massive thanks for that. Of course, the downside is that he'll never do it again because we mentally scarred him for life :D

Marshalls were excellent all day and most definitely, Wendy we love you and Bex......thanks for keeping my ears warm:p


Like a moth to the flame
Nov 2, 2006
Worst reply yet, your quote bares no relevance here.

A captains meeting was called and it was to ask what everyone wanted to do, a vote was taken and it came out the the event was to be stopped immediately. There were no discussions or votes as to how the scores would be worked out.
I would have been asking for my money back if it was suggested that the scores were going to count for nothing when the event was closed......

I personally think after all what it took to get the whole event underway,
the Captains were to eager to call it a day.... and the decision was theres.... (even though the RAF stations weather forecast which the organisers were quoting was inaccurate as we travelled home in sunshine :confused: )

I am sure that if they were told the results were going to be null and void maybe they wouldn't have been so eager to call it a day.....unless their Team were having a bad day..........

which comes to averaging as the only fair way of achieving a result....


CPPS Referee 4 Life.
Feb 14, 2007
Rugeley, Staffordshire
i agree with preacherman. it was a minor miracle the day went ahead at all considering the snow in the morning. alot of people were wanting to continue with the day but ultimately had the decision made for us. if the scores were to count for nothing after everything that happened to put the event on then sooooooo many peoples time and effort would of been for nothing. can i have my easter sunday back please :)
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