if im right the PA uses ramping? its nice to have a choice. i dont know of any other leagues in the north which are semi only. if it isnt broke then dont fix it... i have been told this many times when messin with markers

and i think the same applies here. UKM is perfect as it is and there should be no need to mess.
the PA uses PSP style ramping.
Fair enough you're saying; essentially to have variety in the regional events, however if there is a call for ramping, then it should at least get a good hearing and perhaps a test (which i hear is going ahead in the upper divs, or maybe was that at the 7man? cant remember, i dont pay that much attention).
I stil stand by my point however, which was in essence dont knock it til you've tried it.
The game you play isnt just reliant on the skill of acheiving high gun bps.
The assistance of ramping helps you develop other skills such as running and gunning, laning, sweet spotting etc. Making moves on a ramping field is also in one way easier - as you can rapidly dominate an oppositions position and make your move...and also more of a challenge - in that its hard to avoid a hosing at 15bps when running thru a lane.
I think the PA league this season will be the defining UK tournament both in terms of format and gun rules.
As for 15bps semi - not a lot of people can achieve that, no matter what your angel screen readout might tell you. Straight semi that is.
An advantage of ramping is that (for the most part) people see it as evening up the field and stick to 15.4bps programming (obviously there are some who would cap their markers higher than this, as ive witnessed personally at the PA). Something that is harder to control is capped 15 semi at the masters. sure the vast majprity of people will roll in semi there (dont beleive the hypeif you think some people DONT play ramp cos they do) , but most players will make sure there gun is as on the edge as possible, in other cases blatantly adding shots.
i think ramping evens the fields.
having said all this however, at a recent training against ECI, they played in ramp, and the firm used semi, and we didnt feel outgunned at all (thankyou, mr ego seven
