OK who does not know the rules (or more importantly who does) ???
There has never been an official rule about triggerguards in the Millennium series and the current NPPL rules does not contain such a rule either.
So unless this is brought up at the captains meeting or otherwise stated in the info material sent out prior to an event, triggerguards are not mandatory (according to the rules).
I will of course send my suggestion to the Millennium rules comittee on this but I have a hard time seing this implemented before DMA.
It is a safety concern so I firmly believe the triggerguards should be in place !
I will also suggest a rule for players with malfunctioning guns allowing them to call themselves out if they find their gun either fires in "enhanced mode", hot or behaves in any other funny way without getting penalized for it !
Rule of thumb for you guys with problems like this - ask the marshall where it is stated in the rules (don't accept an answer like "it has always been like that") that you cant do this or that - If you cant get a decent answer have the tournament ultimate called and have him point to the rule.
If its not in the rules it has to me a major safety concern for the tournament Ultimate to make a ruling that for instance wont allow you to bring your guns onto the field !
To be 100% correct if its not in the Rules, not mentioned in the information given out prior to the tournament or said at the captains meeting a new rule actually requires the acceptance of the Millennium series rules commission and a new captains meeting before any more games can be played!
See ya