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trigger guards in portugal


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
In the NPPL braided hoses and front regs are not acceptable trigger guards.

They stated at the World Cup that a trigger guard

a) had to be made for the purpose.

b) be wider than the trigger

c) come within 1cm of the bottom of the actual trigger (therefore ruling out cutlass style guards)




doin' other stuffs
Jul 6, 2001
need to get hold of Tank for an exit
Cheers Manike,

I'm guessing that that'll be the definition used by the millenium too, better tell my teammates to get saving for new frames!

I was wondering how they would draw the line - that'll explain the 'bar' from the cutlass guard to the grip frame on, say, the IR3 then.


Shockwave III
Aug 6, 2001
canpap, a player came around to mug me so the marshall was checking me all over, all the time I was wondering what the hell is he doing, I have a huge hit on right side of my lens. He then called clean, and I said "what about this ???".

Mark T, the player with the splodge had it before the game started, he got it from a fence, he told the marshell and they said ok. My point it they should have wiped it off then started the game, no arguments.
What would have happened if I had shot him on that very splodge, (in theory its possible), would the marshell have called him clean if he didnt see my shot hit his already marked pants ?

Everyone should be clean at the start then there is reduce scope for confusion.

point 5, I always chroned my gun, but on one field, there was no marshell watching the players (this was on day 3 in the morning).

Bit more conistancy in applying the rules is needed.


New Member
Jul 18, 2001

OK who does not know the rules (or more importantly who does) ???

There has never been an official rule about triggerguards in the Millennium series and the current NPPL rules does not contain such a rule either.

So unless this is brought up at the captains meeting or otherwise stated in the info material sent out prior to an event, triggerguards are not mandatory (according to the rules).

I will of course send my suggestion to the Millennium rules comittee on this but I have a hard time seing this implemented before DMA.
It is a safety concern so I firmly believe the triggerguards should be in place !

I will also suggest a rule for players with malfunctioning guns allowing them to call themselves out if they find their gun either fires in "enhanced mode", hot or behaves in any other funny way without getting penalized for it !

Rule of thumb for you guys with problems like this - ask the marshall where it is stated in the rules (don't accept an answer like "it has always been like that") that you cant do this or that - If you cant get a decent answer have the tournament ultimate called and have him point to the rule.
If its not in the rules it has to me a major safety concern for the tournament Ultimate to make a ruling that for instance wont allow you to bring your guns onto the field !
To be 100% correct if its not in the Rules, not mentioned in the information given out prior to the tournament or said at the captains meeting a new rule actually requires the acceptance of the Millennium series rules commission and a new captains meeting before any more games can be played!

See ya



Active Member
Have to dissagree

There was a rule about trig guards a few years back !!!

I had an origanal Angel at the time which had no guard and spent best part of a year looking for an aftermarkt one, finaly finding a DYE one at Toulose LAST YEAR !!

It is hard to enforce a rule about equipment such as this if the marker is MANUFACTURED without one, as mine was. It is right that ALL markers should have guards tho and the responsability must lie with the manufactutrers to make them as such / custom houses not to lop em off !

The rule should be brought back and aftermarket products are now availlable, however, as with most debates on this fourum its down to ENFORCMENT, which as we know is oftern lacking


New Member
Jul 18, 2001
Hey Buddy

You are off course allowed to disagree - but having gone through all the releases of the Millennium series rules - I can only say again, there is no mentioning of a rule about trigger guards in the rulebooks dating from 1999 (the original millennium rules was based on the 1999 Mayhem rules) and forward !

Lets leave it here - and make sure the rule gets into the next revision of the rules.

See ya




Apr 28, 2002
Visit site

Being an international paintballer like yourself it's hard to keep up with the rules from all over. :D (lmao)

I was thinking of the NPPL rules and more specifically what Bill Cookston said at the Last World Cup. I've read so many rule books they tend to get blurred together. I tend to speak to so many yanks on the net that I know their rules as well...

I did think the Millenium had very similar rules as the NPPL on this. In fact I think we ought to try and globalise the rules so that we have just one set. Makes it easier to learn and we don't need to worry about differences when we travel. Maybe a link between the Millennium Rules commitee and Bill would be a good idea?

You're not THAT annoying... and it's always good to discuss these things. That way our sport develops and we go forwards.

I do think the discussions that Morten and Goose and co have seen and been part of here are a great start towards the future rules of our sport. We need to talk about them. Discuss the options, the bending and the breaking if we are to make forwards steps.



New Member
Jul 18, 2001
Worldwide Rulebook

HI Guys,

This is something everyone would like to see - I know for a fact there has been some discussion going on about something along these lines.

We do have a long way to go on this as well - just making sure that all the issues about different formats is going to be covered in a worldwide rulebook is a big job.
Also the americans seems to be very hung up on their standards - like the ASTM testing of goggles etc. - but again it would be great with one rulebook covering all formats and all the details !

See Ya

P.S. Glad you are back Manike :D


Apr 28, 2002
Visit site

I wonder if we could have a rule book on the playing and format of the game and a general section on standards such as the trigger guards, trigger operations and hot guns etc but then allow any safety standards to be overrules by the law (ASTM standards) of the country where the event is being run?

We seem to be pretty close... although I do realise the NPPL rules were not the only ones being follwed in the USA. They have quite a few different rule books. I am not so familiar with the other league formats.

At the moment isn't the ASTM testing of goggles the only standard and thus the one we use in Europe (and the rest of the world) also? I've never heard of us having an independent body of equipmment testing but it may exist...



New Member
Jul 18, 2001

Yeah I know there are different rulebooks for the different series - the NPPL one seems to be the one covering the most areas though (admittingly I havent seen all rulebooks - so there might be a better one out there).

You are right that only the Americans have real standards for goggle testing in Europe all that is required is the CE mark which is basically just a piece of paper.
Pressure bottles is a different subject the Americans have DOT, Britain has HSE, Germany have Tüv and there is a new European approval but it is not covering all countries (Denmark and Sweden is not covered by it as far as I know).

Its a big job to make a worldwide rulebook and have it "ratified" by alle the leagues and organizations out there !

See ya
