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Tournemant gun ranking?


I'm a country member!
This tread is going to start an argument.

All the high end shooters basically do the same thing, and for tourney use they all sling paint at 15bps if you can keep up!

It makes me laugh when ballers say this is better than that, with blind predjudice, and follow fashion like sheep!

Try as many as you can, get along to a couple of events, talk to people ans ask to try their equipment over the range, or even just handle it! Most will be willing to help. When you find out what feels right in you hands try a few more of those, 2 guns, 2 setups are often totally different.

I shoot Angels, because I like and understand them, but I wouldn't rule out any other untill I had tried it.

Don't listen to too much opinion, and getting a year, or 2 year old version of a proven platform can save you £££££s

If all else fails buy an Ion, play a bit and then upgrade!


New Member
Sep 7, 2006
At the same time learn to play the game ;- Thats more important than which top end marker you shoot
hehe Maybe I should restate this... I AM RETURNING to paintball. I was playing paintball in the late 1980s. I am currently writing articles for Splat Magazine. Its not about "learning to play" its about updating on what technology is now considered front and what is considered outdated. Thats what this thread was meant to be about.
Im looking for users opinions on the best overall performance gun. Sorry if I was vague.


New Member
Sep 7, 2006

Yep definately not clear from this

Yeah thats why I thought I needed to clarify it. I didnt really think I would get much response on this thread, and the posters here have been very good on replying. Thanks to all posters. :D


Wizard, of sorts...
Feb 27, 2002
Nottingham, England
Yeah thats why I thought I needed to clarify it. I didnt really think I would get much response on this thread, and the posters here have been very good on replying. Thanks to all posters. :D
To be honest mate, the marker scene has changed a great deal in the last few years. Mech is dead and almost all the electros shoot very alike. Top guns in terms of pro teams are the Ego, Shocker and DM (inc proto) series, with the new Angel generation being the next big thing.

Being honest, you really can't go wrong with an Ego. They are fast as heck and so damn common that tech support and spares are easy to get hold of. Also because of the numerous models and yearly updates it is easy and affordable to pick up a tried and tested machine-gun.

(PS. I'm not Ego sponsored at all. I'm in the market for a new toy and they are the most sane option)


knee is broken again :[
Dec 3, 2004
West Mids
Correct me if i'm wrong but sup air didnt even exist in the 80's (?) and even so the way games are played, guns are shot/handled and game tactics have advanced rapidly even since 2000 let alone 10 years or more before....?

Anyway if you write for a magazine cant you just read that to find out what the latest guns are :D

...IMO if you want a straight up, fast and easy to use/maintain gun get an ego, if you want 'refinement' (lol) get a DM6....those things are a peice of paintballing artwork but if youre crap at teching i'd steer clear.