How to keep costs down for a tourney, in fact how to lower the costs is so easy.
Years ago any tourny you went to the site operator supplied Fields,tropheys,catering,staff and the most importantly the paint.
Because of the trade ( wholesalers ) selling paint direct to the players ( you ) then calling it (Sponsoring) to justify the low costs the site operator has only one avenue left to make any profit and that is through the admission charge.
When and only when the trade stops selling direct to the players and you booked in to a tourney and bought paint on site from the site owners will the overall costs come down.
The real villians are accually the you, the players, allways looking for a better deal. Paintball to all players is a game, but to the site operators it's a business and for any business to survive and improve its got to make a profit.
To make a cheaper game all tournys should be limited paint, not just a pot & hopper but for example a box per player, bought from the site operator only. All things are level, number of players in a team, size of fields, lenth of games, why not number of paintballs allowed to be shot. Yes give the players a choice of paint Zap, draxxus,rps,severe whatever the player wants, but let the people who organise the tournament make a bit of money.
I played the PA cup in county durham, 11 teams turned up, the work and effort put into the event was fantastic. With 11 teams in Hatts made a loss. If he had sold paint he would have made a profit & you would have seen more regular events like his simply because it was financally viable.
If you the players want better and cheaper tourneys start buying paint from the site operators its that simple!!!!!!!
Years ago any tourny you went to the site operator supplied Fields,tropheys,catering,staff and the most importantly the paint.
Because of the trade ( wholesalers ) selling paint direct to the players ( you ) then calling it (Sponsoring) to justify the low costs the site operator has only one avenue left to make any profit and that is through the admission charge.
When and only when the trade stops selling direct to the players and you booked in to a tourney and bought paint on site from the site owners will the overall costs come down.
The real villians are accually the you, the players, allways looking for a better deal. Paintball to all players is a game, but to the site operators it's a business and for any business to survive and improve its got to make a profit.
To make a cheaper game all tournys should be limited paint, not just a pot & hopper but for example a box per player, bought from the site operator only. All things are level, number of players in a team, size of fields, lenth of games, why not number of paintballs allowed to be shot. Yes give the players a choice of paint Zap, draxxus,rps,severe whatever the player wants, but let the people who organise the tournament make a bit of money.
I played the PA cup in county durham, 11 teams turned up, the work and effort put into the event was fantastic. With 11 teams in Hatts made a loss. If he had sold paint he would have made a profit & you would have seen more regular events like his simply because it was financally viable.
If you the players want better and cheaper tourneys start buying paint from the site operators its that simple!!!!!!!