here Fido,
poodle jumps from the stands runs onto the field to show you love and affection, next thing it knows is down the barrel of a 14' boom stick.
Poddles, proof that dog interbreading os a bad idea.
They do however have humor value
I can see it now, sat in a bunker with a dog whistle. you are just about to the best damn move ever, and BAM you marker needs a good clean, out comes the whistle,Originally posted by Justin Owen
Poodles, though, are great all-around...I mean like Mr. Woods said, what other dog has body parts that can double as a battle swab???
here Fido,
poodle jumps from the stands runs onto the field to show you love and affection, next thing it knows is down the barrel of a 14' boom stick.
Poddles, proof that dog interbreading os a bad idea.
They do however have humor value