If you are old and can remember back, we had hte splatmaster, then along came lots of very nasty pump guns that broek a lot - out of these shone the phantom (from U.S), the Cocker II (the mark 1 was a pig of a gun), Bushmasters and the Lapco Grey Spirit (also Grey Ghost and Spectre (the wraith was almost never seen). But a very important and often forgotten gun was the Mayhem Merlin - it was the first decent quality tourny level gun I had, and basically it was a Lapco Spetre clone for half the price and brought quality to the masses so to speak. Then along came the Sterling and all other pumps were pretty well sandboxed by most tournie players for several years - and too this day it is still probably the finest pump ever made (I never had one of my own
Early semi autos started arriving, early on there were many bad ones but also pionerring like the PMI 3 which was like shooting paint from a pneumatic drill, the Brass Eagle Golden Eagle, which was like using a heavier pneumatic drill, Poison and a few weird ones with long triggers that did the pump action (Cougar and one by Bushmaster) - then some half decent blow bakcs appeared - the Icon from the U.S which spanked everything for a while, along with the Daystate Patriot (which i'm pretty sure was an icon clone) - Ive got a custom one of these with one off internals from Daystate and customised body by Jack (from very early Planet Eclipse days). And then the Automag level 7 arrived and all changed. The level 5 was fast but would blow up in oyur face as fast as it could shoot, and the level 6 was a bit better but suffered from massive valve issues. The Level 7 was THE gun to have and really took over from the sterling as the choice of most of hte top teams for about 2 years. Quietly bubbling away varius peeps like Belsales, Planet and a couple of others were developing the Autococker into something usefull - out of the box it was heavey, slow and really unreliable, but soon the custom ones became the standard ones and the cocker started to take over from the Mag.
Just as global domination seemed imminent some dodgy blokes from the black country (sunny Birmingham) said hey look at this thing we have made....and we all ran for cover as suddenly the mag and the cocker looked like steam engines as the Angel thru huge volumes of paint down the field (with a really nasty fart sound too) - the yanks were at it too and the Shocker appeared - the difference being that the shocker was flaky as hell and not very fast, whereas the angel would throw 3000 paint down the field in 20 seconds....and then blow up, but hopefully by that point you had shot everyone or they had run away in fear. To those of you used to 15 bps non stop, when the Angel came out it was terrifying if you were on the recieving end, prior to that some fast fingered chappy (Ledz - after some coffee - for example) would lay down maybe 10bps for a short while, and then there was a gap.
About this time I left paintball for several years, so cant say what happened next other than it looks like every said "ooh that Angel thingy looks reet good can we make one?"
Whislt i never liked the Angel (not once did I complete a game with one - tho bare in mind that was quite often with a prototype lent to me to try and break) it historically was a very important marker, and financially was a success too.