not bitching just raising the point that there are a fair few players that carnt afford that kind of travel either regularly or at all. some players carnt even drive what then?
Theres a player i know of in the "sticks" who woul dlove to go to all the tournaments, and even if he got a train the stn nearest the field is still a good 5 or so miles away from the field itself.
only raising a point so please dont think im having a pop/seeking a battle (please)
i dont drive and my nearest training site is an hours drive, i can get there because i play in a TEAM this is an important word if you play in a team tou dont take 5 cars on a 500 mile round trip to a tourney same with training. and if your new and not on a team then you most likely know someone on a team that introduced you to the sport and you train with them in the same way.
saying ohh its too far is like saying it costs too much people with dedication find a way to play.
anyhoo how can you have too many teams?
local tourneys thrive on noob teams and if you dont have the teams then you dont have the game. you cant expect new players to just train and not have game time can you? or do you expect pro teams to wander the forests of the country looking for rental players that look like they may have some talent?