Learn to control the tape without using a solid stream of paint, 9 pots and a hopper will only last you about 2 - 3 mins shooting 12 bps.
Learn to load one handed, whichever hand you are shooting with, there's no point shooting ropes down the tape for 10-15 seconds then leaving it un-covered for 5 seconds while you pot up.
Never get dominated, if you get pushed in watch where the line of paint is coming and come out above/below it or, call on your mid/front player to help you regain control.
If you feel the need to shoot infield (ie without direct command form either your coach in X format or your back centre) make sure you have control of the line and wrap infield briefly, shoot your string and return to the line. This way you do not lose sight of the line so there won't be any nasty surprises waiting for you.
In all of these situations you need to be communicating with your front man, telling him what is going on down the tape and telling him when he is clear to bump up and feeding through information/orders from your back centre/coach.
Lastly, don't get 'shot cheap' and don't say you got hit by a 'stray ball' if you just stuck your face out into two lines of paint, people hate that