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Paintball Savant
Sep 8, 2009
Plymouth, Devon
Teenagers are cocky FACT. It's hormonal and part of coming of age. Kids over compensate to establish themselves within social groups. If you were any different sir then you are frankly a medical miracle, or possibly a eunuch. I personally am going to believe the second. :D


Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2009
looks like piper is gonna unleash his wrath :p

Well, hi guys, im 17 and i havn't really been on the paintball scene very long at all. i currently play for no team and i'm just trying to widen my experience with playing with different players from around the country. However i DO NOT expect anything for free, i pay my way for everything. all my gear has been paid for by myself, not mommy or daddy. At my age i get paid below the national pay grade for 18+ which is legal ofcourse due to me being underage and on an apprenticeship scheme.

I know pretty much nothing on paintball, i do have alot to learn. I don't really see myself as cocky im quite a quiet guy in real life, all i want out of paintball at the moment is fun, meeting new people and playing ball!

I hope that not everyone will be sprayed with the tag of '17 year old arrogant cocky ****'

This makes me feel uncomfortable when going to play at new places if people are going to think of me like that.

I hope that things change before all us younger guys, who will be the 'older more mature lot' in 20 years when your all retired from paintball completely, get scared off.

Rainnman, if that is how you look at uk ball then please leave before you even start, because attitude like that gets you nowhere. Like i said i just want to play ball im not a cocky hormonal Dickhead.. I am not a medical miracle, i think you should go do some research. I am not 'established within any social group' hey i bet im as mature as you if not more with that stereotypical opinion.

Then again this is just my opinion...



Paintball Savant
Sep 8, 2009
Plymouth, Devon
I love it how piper was going on about arrogant 17 year olds, who think they know it all and should have it all....

And then rainman comes on arrogant to piper defending them, and accusing him of the same...

Lovely :D
I know I couldn't resist. Arguing is such fun afterall :D

Should point out I'm not being arrogant on the subject of paintball, but the nature of kids, and for the record I've been a kid for as long as anyone else.

And sorry James didn't mean to stereotype buddy.


Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2009
Apology accepted ^^ :)

Just so anoying, im only trying to have some fun and i don't want to be pushed aside or held back due to my age.


Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!
And sorry James didn't mean to stereotype buddy.
Yet you tell me I am a miracle because I was not an arrogant 17 year old and to James you don't want to stereotype............. I actually give up!

A very wise man once said......... "you can deal with politicians, you can deal with business men but idiots you cannot deal with" Which area do you think you fall into Rainman, which is a very fitting name I must admit!


Paintball Savant
Sep 8, 2009
Plymouth, Devon
And now your just falling into personal insults which is very mature of you I must say. Then again I did accuse you of being a eunuch so I guess thats fair.

However I stand by what i said although I do admit that there are exceptions to the rule. Maybe you were one of them. You yourself are guilty of the stereotype though so don't try to take a moral high ground. I mean FFS all I did was put forward an opinion. Too bad if you don't like it. :p

Oh and I said sorry to James because I wasn't trying to slur anyone under the age of 17 at all and didn't want him to misinterpret what I was trying to put forward.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I know I couldn't resist. Arguing is such fun afterall :D

Should point out I'm not being arrogant on the subject of paintball, but the nature of kids, and for the record I've been a kid for as long as anyone else.

And sorry James didn't mean to stereotype buddy.
I haven't yet worked you out ........ not because you are a complex character or anything, or even, your posts are oozing with subtleties ..... it's just that ......maybe it's just I can't be arsed with delving into such youthful arrogance.

I quite like arrogance, well, just as long as there is some associated achievement to hang it on and it's not just an emergent property of testosterone and a misplaced feeling of importance.

As I see it, men are kids all their life, the only difference is their age and what they have done [achieved] up until that point.

This forum tho, can do with some livening up and I have to finish what I am doing on another project elsewhere which will take me about another 4 days and then, the forum will have my full attention ......

PS Bon, make sure your fone works !


Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!
And now your just falling into personal insults which is very mature of you I must say. Then again I did accuse you of being a eunuch so I guess thats fair.

However I stand by what i said although I do admit that there are exceptions to the rule. Maybe you were one of them. You yourself are guilty of the stereotype though so don't try to take a moral high ground. I mean FFS all I did was put forward an opinion. Too bad if you don't like it. :p

Oh and I said sorry to James because I wasn't trying to slur anyone under the age of 17 at all and didn't want him to misinterpret what I was trying to put forward.
Wait wait wait, you are apologising because you did not want him to misinterpret you but to call me an arrogant 17 year old is fine? Yes I suppose I am sterotyping a little here but remember this all started by people talking about posting on the forum, and alot of the posts are from arrogant 17 year olds who have bene in the sport for 5 mins, now the 17 year olds that are not arrogant have no reason to post and say hello I am a 17 year old who is not arrogant! So your weak argument kind of falls down there! This does not apply to James H..................