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Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
So anyone going to implement anything? How was the mod's meeting?
Portox, I am out tonight and having a meeting with Bon who has taken up the challenge of sorting out the site redesign.
I will post up here tomorrow if I get time (kinda busy at the Fed Cup) to let you know how the meeting went.

I do hope I don't get drunk again coz I'm a proper lightweight when it comes to booze :>(


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
How was the mod's meeting?
As has been said, drunken. But it was nice to go out in Basildon and not wake up with an STD.

Many things were discussed at the Mods meeting, including:

1. Beaker is in fact Mullah Omar. Infact shopping him to the CIA for the reward might have helped out with the bar bill, however the Predator air strike would have probably hit Bluewater, not Basildon.

2. Essex girls let you touch their boobies (despite the offer Dusty was a gentlemen though).

3. Lump can drink the output of a micro brewery, before dinner.

4. Stella should no longer be known as Wife Beater. I drink Stella and go home and get beaten up BY the wife.

5. Panitball was mentioned, although for that you'll just have to wait and see.
