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Jul 7, 2001
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Banter is good!

I mean, we're a "Scene" aren't we?? It's kinda nice to sort of get to know eachother off the field, and have a bit of a laff.

Doesn't it all help towards the sport growing? and besides, a little bit of mindless chat is alot more exciting than endless f-ing discussions about "which is best, the mag or the cocker" and bollox like that!!

At campaign cup last year(missed out this year :( )I quite enjoyed having people I hadn't met coming up to us at the start of a game and asking which one of us was Duncster. It all makes the games a bit more enjoyable, and makes it seem even more like a cracking day out, and best of all makes you feel like you belong to something!

So, erm...there ya go.

Party Poopy pants!! :rolleyes:

Luv yaz all!!



Mother, is that you?
Mate, i ain't saying banter's ****e; Buddha I'm not even saying that big post counts is crap either - take my 'mate' Manning - he's posted hundreds of times and I'd say 80% of them were trying to help people.... like Brianguard..... but there's those people who come out after dark to post gibberish with one intent - upping their count. They offer next to ****in nothin and it's doin my head in.

Oh, I don't know.


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
I agree with Duncster, it's good to make friends with people before you meet them. In what other sport could you talk to guys like Robbo, the stars of the game before you meet them? (not yet had the pleasure though) And I intend to hopefully get pissed with some of these guys at a tournament bar one day. Buddha, first drinks on me!!! :)

Sorry, bit of topic.......beeeeeeer........!!!!!

L8r buddies.


Lord of the Ringtones

Did you miss me? I'll try my best to get back to posting my long and philosophical threads and posts on here, but I need to get out more to the field to do that, both from playing more to get to better tourneys and test new stuff so that I have more things to say. I'm taking a break from school right now, have quit drinking (quit drinking heavily at least, to prevent developing what was looking like a bit of a drinking problem that was looking like it would have wrecked my life if I couldn't quit now), going to get a steady paying job (and no it's not with PGI...though if there's something in a while I might take it), and got a girlfriend right now that is actually all for doing whatever it is that I enjoy doing...yes, I'm referring to paintball you pervs, though she is good at other things too...

So hopefully myself, Buddha, and a couple of others can help to drown out the moronity on the board by our phenominal number of posts. Don't forget that I beat Buddha to 300 posts in less than a month and a half....


Sep 9, 2001
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As one of the guilty poster's on "chat room" I would like to say a few words in my defence. First of all if ya dont like the post then dont read it. Simple huh. Second, by keeping one post for a bit of friendly banter we dont clog up others. Third, as a result of that post most people who use it met up for a drink and talked about paintball. I couldnt give a rats arse about post counts and will gladly re-register and start with a big fat zero. I really cannot see what the problem is with that post. Not like others which have absolutely nothing to do with paintball what so ever. Films, Music etc. And everyone who has a problem has posted on those. "Chat room" does not in any way deviate from it was set up to be, a chat room. At the time there was no live chat room and even though there is one now it is usually empty. Please feel free to let me know why our post pisses you off Rancid. I am still relativly new to this sport and I cannot be arsed to upset some of the more experienced posters here.

Cheers for reading this.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Rancid, your point is well taken. What freaks me out most is that I always forget to unscore the 'get an e-mail notification blahdeeblah' thing whenever I post something, so every time a thread turns into mindless drivel, Amsterdam has a power-out as soon as I open my mailbox! Damn ADSL modem thing is going to have a meltdown soon, with the amount of e-mails I get saying 'so and so has replied to a post....'
I have to admit though that I do post some nonsense too, but I try to keep it paintball related (I fail sometimes though....).
I think you may have said what a number of people have been thinking.

Killer, you ain't beat me to the 300 mark buddy :D
You did come close, and you did beat me to the 200, but there's only one mayor of Sadville. Just be glad it ain't you.:p

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
I never said you woudn't be way ahead of me. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure you would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of me if you hadn't left us (traitor!!!:D ). Never meant to imply that your posts are either short or uninformative. So if that's the impression I gave, I'm sorry.
Dude, it ain't even about the counts. I couldn't give a flying toss about them. I (and you for that matter) post as much as I did when the forum was still in it's old form, where there was no count.
Man, I'd be more than happy if a bunch of people overtook the lead. I'm getting fed up with people (read: teammates) cracking jokes, saying I'm some sort of computer nerdy type person. Truth is, I'm not even good with computers. It is however quite funny when people meet me for the first time at a tourney and are surprised because they expected some bespectacled Bill Gates wannabe.:D

Anyway, glad you joined the pack again, and glad to hear things are going well for you. Peace out.


Nov 13, 2001
Another guilty party

id follow with what crom said, we are all locals and do meet for social in fact we invited everyone if you look under the pub thread.

we do also have posts else where with totally paintball related questions.

forgive me for being picky but i think you really should check what the speak your brains forum says

I rest my point

P.S. some of the people on here cant use msn or aim pager to set up rooms due to machines or speeds so this is about the easiest and cheapest way to comunicate