Can't give you the entire equation but...
Originally posted by Buddha 3
Give me the complete equation then. That may convince me. Until then, fat chance.
What you say is true, but one thing is missing (okay three) paintball occurs in four dimensions (3 spacial and one time... ok quantum mechanicists will tell you that in fact it is a perameter but lets NOT get bogged down in that!)
The equation F=MA is in fact only considering time and one other dimension (along the line of action). The (resultant) force applied to a paintball is not that simple. It acts in three dimensions (henc ethe relevance of turbulance etc). So in fact yes all that $h!t does matter for accuracy (including left right accuracy and velocity consistency or up/down accuracy). However, not very much! Crosswind, how much you are shaking the marker etc will also all effect it, just not very much either. Accuracy is a question of the consistency (in all 3 dimensions) of the force applied (but lets face it mostly the Umph along the line of action) and then paint to barrel match.
So if you want an accurate marker get a good batch of paint, a good barrel and a consistent air supply (for which the marker is relevant!), and you'll be putting paint in the same place all the time.
Lets face it, paintballs are NOT balistically very stable, so the smaller factors are probably not very relevant.
So there you go, lots more complicated physics, and Buddha 3 is still right. Happy?
Sorry this kinda sillyness annoys me a bit, because it is obvious to me that the turbulence behind the ball etc doesn't matter very much. We just aren't dealing with enough control of the variables to talk about this kind of thing.
Originally posted by paintballguy
And what ever happened to "Its the player not the gun?"
I think we all REALLY need to realise that this is B*** S***! It is the player AND the marker. You will find trouncing your oponents a whole lot easier with the best custom cocker than you will with a stock TFX. This is because of a huge number of factors. It is NOT the player that makes the marker! But it is also not the marker that makes the player; they are BOTH variables. OK!
If you want to have the player not the marker discusion then start a new string and if I spot it I will write an entire article on the subject based on logic as above! But let's face it that this is all talk and not paintball!
Also a little pet hate of mine, if was only the player NOBODY would have bothered making the expensive paintball markers, we'd all just be suing pumps!
I think this is more $20 the 2cents, but hey