hey ppl
i got sorted after all , got this help incase any1 else gets hacked or wants to stop ppl
Yeah I'd go along with everything mentioned so far heres a few more things though. I'd scrap Norton it's very very slow and nothing fantastic any more. I'd go with something like AVG (free version) http://free.grisoft.com/freeweb.php/doc/1/ this will speed up your system and keep you protected from viruses.
You don't mention a firewall which is a worry I'd go with Zonealarm over the windows version which you can get from http://www.zonelabs.com/store/content/catalog/products/sku_list_za.jsp;jsessionid=DmyzFc8iJe4tJDDjrcxFR5B6Sm1WYYsRJqT1OxlHa2YqcWpayF2k!-1868127166!-1062696905!7551!7552!NONE?dc=12bms&ctry=GB〈=en&lid=dbtopnav_zass choose Zonealarm from the list if that link doesn't take you straight there.
Most important when you have downloaded these run the updates to make sure your not using something from 1998 and then run each of them (leave AVG and Zonealarm on all the time of course) and hopefully that will make sure your computer is kept clear of any problems.