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There certainly seems to be a lot of arguin goin on in here...

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
I have no life..........
Hey, I got a job where the people that I'm supposed to boss around pretty much take care of themselves, I only need to work 4 (yes 4) days a week, and still get payed purdy darn good. Hence I get a lot of spare time, and since I'm too lazy to leave the house.........
Also, I do a lot of my postings from the office (since I don't have to do a lot there either)
What's that? I see verybody turning green with envy? Awwww.....

Heh heh.....

P.S. Richard, expect a package any day now (no anthrax :p )

P.P.S. Cooks, the way you've been putting up posts lately, I expect you to take over from me pretty soon!:D
Home-page of p8ntballer

Hey Jay, have you seen

You're up 4 times on the home-page... or were till I replied to this... now I'm up 3 times too hahahaha (look at the bottom).

So that's what you look like with a microphone stuck down your throat (I had always wondered;) )

If it arrived before the 18th I'll test the 'system' out at the Diablo cup. and should be able to let you know the next day.

