Matty: If I had a penny for every time I've heard, 'Oh yeah, I know I'm sponsored by [insert whoever] but it's not the reason I am promoting their products' ...... I'd be a frikkin millionaire 
It's OK Matt, you ain't alone mate but maybe you should have declared as much before you embarked upon the hallelujah Creed trail
And just one more thing Matt .. how many other sponsored offers did you get for your team in terms of other types of marker?
And here I am referring to the top end markers such as the Ego, Geo, Dm's, Axes etc ...
I gotta feeling, and if you are honest with us all, the Creed was the only subsidised gat you had on offer and so the team selection wasn't so much quality based as financial ... now this ain't such a bad thing, I'm not saying that but it does affect your opinion mate.
McLovin: I think you make the point I've been trying to without realising mate .... you say you have 'owed a few creeds some have been good and others I've had nothing but trouble with. But that can be with any marker' ..... the thing is Mac, you go buy a DM or an Ego / Geo, and you ain't gonna have that trouble .. outa the box these markers have proved time and time again they can perform .. and they do this for the vast, vast majority of time with no problems whatsoever ... and this is the exact reason why people are willing to pay that extra to have that trouble free performance.
When I wanted to do my laminar flow modifications to a marker, the reason I chose the Ego to do it with, ain't just because Ledz and Julian [owners of Planet] are mates of mine, I did it because I needed a secure platform to work with.
It was no use me plugging all my money into a marker to produce a more accurate performance just for it to fail because the original marker wasn't designed or manufactured well enough ... the Ego passed all of my performance requirements with flying colours ..
After all, when you buy a gat, it's generally just the one but when I selected the Ego, I was gonna invest tens of thousands and so I just had to be sure the gun I chose performed as perfectly as is humanly possible ... and for me, it does just that ..hence the Ego Prime [/shameless plug]f
And as a top player, you cannot afford to have 'trouble' with your gat ...and as you you tend to imply, if you buy a number of these lower end markers, you will find some of them do work but the incidence of failure is significantly higher than with the markers I have just exampled.
In this life, Mac you get what you pay for ... and that relates to paintball markers as it does for everything else.
If you take your paintball seriously, then you have to buy a serious gat ...it's as easy as that mate.
It's OK Matt, you ain't alone mate but maybe you should have declared as much before you embarked upon the hallelujah Creed trail
And just one more thing Matt .. how many other sponsored offers did you get for your team in terms of other types of marker?
And here I am referring to the top end markers such as the Ego, Geo, Dm's, Axes etc ...
I gotta feeling, and if you are honest with us all, the Creed was the only subsidised gat you had on offer and so the team selection wasn't so much quality based as financial ... now this ain't such a bad thing, I'm not saying that but it does affect your opinion mate.
McLovin: I think you make the point I've been trying to without realising mate .... you say you have 'owed a few creeds some have been good and others I've had nothing but trouble with. But that can be with any marker' ..... the thing is Mac, you go buy a DM or an Ego / Geo, and you ain't gonna have that trouble .. outa the box these markers have proved time and time again they can perform .. and they do this for the vast, vast majority of time with no problems whatsoever ... and this is the exact reason why people are willing to pay that extra to have that trouble free performance.
When I wanted to do my laminar flow modifications to a marker, the reason I chose the Ego to do it with, ain't just because Ledz and Julian [owners of Planet] are mates of mine, I did it because I needed a secure platform to work with.
It was no use me plugging all my money into a marker to produce a more accurate performance just for it to fail because the original marker wasn't designed or manufactured well enough ... the Ego passed all of my performance requirements with flying colours ..
After all, when you buy a gat, it's generally just the one but when I selected the Ego, I was gonna invest tens of thousands and so I just had to be sure the gun I chose performed as perfectly as is humanly possible ... and for me, it does just that ..hence the Ego Prime [/shameless plug]f
And as a top player, you cannot afford to have 'trouble' with your gat ...and as you you tend to imply, if you buy a number of these lower end markers, you will find some of them do work but the incidence of failure is significantly higher than with the markers I have just exampled.
In this life, Mac you get what you pay for ... and that relates to paintball markers as it does for everything else.
If you take your paintball seriously, then you have to buy a serious gat ...it's as easy as that mate.