![GI Team Colors](https://i.imgur.com/St7FKkA.gif)
Look, clearly we both accepted $100 as a hypothetical price- we both cited it. It seems useful because it is, as an example, significant but not crippling.
To my knowledge, this is the first mention I have made of bands... but I will say that whichever head on the body is responsible for them, and whether or not they draw in more spectators, they also are a distraction from paintball.
I have played in and supported the NPPL since the split. I think it is the better series in many ways, but pretending that everything associated with the series is perfect, or that it is heresy to criticize it, is the sort of stupid dishonesty with oneself that leads to invasions of Iraq. Not that I think that PP or the NPPL would continence such a course of action... unless those Sunnis start harping on the lack of fruit or insufficient supply of drinking water at recent events.
But I digress. Earlier, I criticized this poll for including two options that were a no-brainer. The two options were: do you want solution X for free, or do you want to pay a lot of money for it? You started abusing people for picking the free option. Well, given the choice, people won't pay. Given no choice, they might. Also, I think you exagerated the cost of cheater boards to emphasize how ludicrous you thought it was to pay for them but not for a solution. I offered my thoughts on why people might be happier to pay to cheat but not to solve the problem.
As far as needing an "out", clearly the NPPL doesn't; this year they appeared to pretend the problem wasn't there and insisted that claiming 1 shot, one pull was the answer. Well, people are breaking that rule every tournament, and in at least one case, it was obvious in the finals. Having that rule on the books and having it flouted so clearly simply devalues all the rules.
The NPPL is capable of responsiveness to problems, I know. I have personally felt the satisfaction of pointing out problems and seeing solutions emerge. But there is also an impression that things get ignored, and that some problems get swept under the carpet.
To my knowledge, this is the first mention I have made of bands... but I will say that whichever head on the body is responsible for them, and whether or not they draw in more spectators, they also are a distraction from paintball.
I have played in and supported the NPPL since the split. I think it is the better series in many ways, but pretending that everything associated with the series is perfect, or that it is heresy to criticize it, is the sort of stupid dishonesty with oneself that leads to invasions of Iraq. Not that I think that PP or the NPPL would continence such a course of action... unless those Sunnis start harping on the lack of fruit or insufficient supply of drinking water at recent events.
But I digress. Earlier, I criticized this poll for including two options that were a no-brainer. The two options were: do you want solution X for free, or do you want to pay a lot of money for it? You started abusing people for picking the free option. Well, given the choice, people won't pay. Given no choice, they might. Also, I think you exagerated the cost of cheater boards to emphasize how ludicrous you thought it was to pay for them but not for a solution. I offered my thoughts on why people might be happier to pay to cheat but not to solve the problem.
As far as needing an "out", clearly the NPPL doesn't; this year they appeared to pretend the problem wasn't there and insisted that claiming 1 shot, one pull was the answer. Well, people are breaking that rule every tournament, and in at least one case, it was obvious in the finals. Having that rule on the books and having it flouted so clearly simply devalues all the rules.
The NPPL is capable of responsiveness to problems, I know. I have personally felt the satisfaction of pointing out problems and seeing solutions emerge. But there is also an impression that things get ignored, and that some problems get swept under the carpet.