No problem Nooby.Missy that's a bit rich but I see your humour. However Pete has vouched for who I am and my expertise on the subject. I know that you now know who I am as well and I'm sure you can understand my reasoning.
I stay cloaked not for fear of comeback upon me but because I fear for what may happen to those around me because of what I might write. So Pete has hit the nail on the head regarding the sensitivity of my position.
The real truth is if I uncloak publically then Mr Molyneux will know that I am still hidden in the depths of his organisation selling secrets to the east and at the moment he's left the packaging department alone.
However you are right - I do have an agenda - I wanted to put the real story across nothing more sinister than that. You'd also be right in saying I have a vendetta against him, however in my opinion, he is only getting a miniscule portion of what he truly deserves.
If you choose to accept what I say as being fact or not is irrelevant - but what you said in your post is completely untrue and I felt it needed to be put right.
Anyway hit me up on skype when you can.
I agree that 'uncloaking publically' could lead to problems, especialy in the winter.